2hrs left, you can do another entry!!!!!
i was doing a gameboy but gameyob (ds gameboy emulator) won't save properly and i don't have the proper jacks to record my ds : (
here's what i had so far http://puu.sh/fAWTD/f9a3de310e.mp4 (i also lost the save state trying to fix the problem, with no success)
good song nevertheless, the new gb emulation on deflemask is neat indeed
can i have a dmf?
i was doing a gameboy but gameyob (ds gameboy emulator) won't save properly and i don't have the proper jacks to record my ds : (
here's what i had so far http://puu.sh/fAWTD/f9a3de310e.mp4 (i also lost the save state trying to fix the problem, with no success)
good song nevertheless, the new gb emulation on deflemask is neat indeed
can i have a dmf?