thanks for the mp3 render, but it wasn't supposed to sound like that at all! i think i found a bug from VortexTracker related to .sndh exports - the txt file can be downloaded from https://pastebin.com/raw/wekYFrEx
used OpenMSX emulator on this one - running Akio Kitano's Super Synthesizer ( https://webmsx.org/?ROM=http://msx2.org/MSX%20TOSEC%20%282009-09-27%29/MSX/Various/%5BROM%5D/Super%20Synthesizer%20%281984%29%28Victor%29.zip ), and in OpenMSX console, entered "vgm_rec start psg" and "vgm_rec stop" for ripping a vgm from that - then optimized the vgm file (using vgm_facc) and converted it to VortexTracker txt - a lot were lost in the conversion, the result is crappy for sure, but enjoyed the workflow a lot!