Why Wou ChipShot
Level 7 Chipist
DefleMask Legacy

266th Σ1.926

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flower power 
265th Σ2.066

spring in pants 
265th Σ2.018

Pihc Tohs
  266th/265   Σ9.895   Apr 27th 2020 10:27am
Pihc Tohs is Chip Shot Backwards!

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Why Wou - Why WOu CHip- Gojo N WhyWou Golf
Level 32 Chipist
post #120805 :: 2020.05.15 5:19am
  Why Wou ChipShot liēkd this
posting it here as well (other comment for reference)

i updated the mp3 render, its now the same as the submitted .dmf
which is, in fact, completely identical to this entry

submitting the same entry twice is not allowed, pls dont do this again
Level 7 Chipist
Why Wou ChipShot
post #120864 :: 2020.05.15 8:16pm
  tonreihe and kleeder liēkd this
Oh! Thanks sorry, we uploaded the wrong Deflemask file for this one, and the wrong render for both files! So 2 tracks to use later (I remember where those files were now) and u got the missing one we were wondering about up... twice! Lol another funny. They were different songs??? Yah I think so. Why Wou seems to be thrilled because we were disappointed, that we were 'missing something' when we listened to them. Yeah, I code glitched the wrong files so, strangely we wound up with, 3 different songs and now we have, the missing one posted twice and 2 fresh golf tracks to use maybe for another battle some time? Hay thanks we really wanted to have this one on, the playlist okee.

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