Lvl 15  
Lvl 9  
TIC-80 Tiny Computer

2nd Σ5.880

1st Σ6.243

2nd Σ5.996

1st Σ6.127

time in pants 
2nd Σ5.521

Patch Three
  1st/24   Σ29.767   Mar 10th 2024 10:08am
Play online here:

Match resources on your trellis to grow your FRUIT VINES. The more balanced your resource distribution, the better the growth. But FRUIT VINES don't grow until you match set of GROW TIME resources!

Once you enter GROW TIME, your FRUIT VINES will finally grow! But how they grow depends on how you distributed their resources:

A full set of four resources will result in a FRUIT immediately! Wow!
A set of any three will turn a BUD into a FRUIT. Not bad!
A set of any two will sprout a BUD. Slow and steady...
A single resource will simply grow the VINE. Meh...

But wait! To GET the FRUIT off the FRUIT VINES, you need to match the FRUIT too! Any FRUIT can match with any other FRUIT. Plan your resource distribution carefully to control where the FRUIT grows! Once you line up three or more FRUIT, you will FRUITS GET and the FUNNY LITTLE GUY will collect them for you!

Every move costs ENERGY, and if you run out of ENERGY, it's over! But you get ENERGY back by matching.

Can you properly plan your FRUIT VINES, or will you let OVERGROWTH consume your crops? How many FRUITS can you harvest?


dogsplusplus: programming, music
thetainfelix: art, game design


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mirageofher - a frame's instant
Level 27 Chipist
post #186652 :: 2024.03.10 11:42pm
  dogsplusplus liēkd this
Super well-made game. The art is incredibly cute... I especially love the lil guy!! All the sounds and little animations are so good too. It is incredibly satisfying when some fruit finally pops off the vine and the lil guy goes to gather it all.

Very well programmed too. Clever idea to have the moving elements be greyed out while you can still continue to make matches elsewhere -- this is a trick that not all match-3 games manage to accomplish, so I really appreciate it! (Some lazier games just lock the input and make you wait for all the match animations to complete.)

Making matches and getting a super high combo is initially very fun and satisfying! However, this could be my own fault for not fully understanding the strategy, but I found that no matter how hard I tried to balance my resources, the vines quickly limited the play space, making it harder to make matches where I needed them, so my vines didn't get enough resources, causing them to grow even more without fruits...a viney death spiral. I get that this is kinda the whole point, and I like the concept... just found it a bit frustrating in practice. I felt like I didn't have much control over where the fruit grows. I played a bit with infinite energy, trying to make deliberate matches to target specific areas, but still always ended up in a vine death spiral after a couple harvests.

I feel a bit bad complaining about the gameplay, but I think it's because everything else is so solid, it really feels like a super polished, professional puzzle game, which makes me want to judge it on that level. This is really incredibly impressive, especially for having been made in only a couple weeks! I think with a bit more tweaking there's an extremely fun and addicting game in here. Excellent work!!
Level 22 Chipist
post #186658 :: 2024.03.11 12:37am :: edit 2024.03.11 12:37am
  dogsplusplus liēkd this
gonna start by saying that funny little guy is an adorable addition, very nice
the graphics look very nice, and it's easy to see what's where
the music and sfx are really nice and add to the comfy vibe

the gameplay is, uh, mostly fine
the matching and stuff was fun, but the moment grow time started I was screwed
it's hard trying to plan moves to make a combo, but even harder to plan moves to grow vines and fruit and stuff
I never really understood what I was doing to be fair

it's definitely a fun game, but unless you understand the game 101% out like the back of your hand... you aren't surviving grow time

(but the programming here is insane, nice)
Level 25 Grafxicist
post #186662 :: 2024.03.11 1:09am
  dogsplusplus liēkd this
killer soundtrack
Level 10 Criticist
post #186671 :: 2024.03.11 4:22am
  dogsplusplus liēkd this
This one's got a lot of complexity that I enjoy. I agree somewhat with SRB2er and agargara that figuring out how move forward in the game requires a few too many variables maybe. But it's a game jam after all, so I can't be too harsh on these issues. And likewise, I also think that I need more time with the game to really wrap myself around the concepts. And since the game is so well put together that's pretty easy to do! I haven't played a ton of TIC-80 games, but not a lot of the ones I've played actually feel like classic desktop games. This one's definitely an exception!

Stellar job!
Level 32 Chipist
post #186692 :: 2024.03.11 10:24am :: edit 2024.03.11 10:24am
  dogsplusplus liēkd this
this was fun, i played it for several minutes and didnt feel how the time was

one little critcism: hard to see the different fruits sometimes because of how pixely it is. or maybe my eyes are dumb
Level 22 Chipist
post #186724 :: 2024.03.11 8:00pm
  dogsplusplus liēkd this
ohhhhhh you click and draaaaaaaaag I see now

fun lil seed planter guy, I actually kinda hate match-x games so this isn't really in my wheelhouse, but I gotta admit I feel like I don't know what I'm donig at all 😅 still though, cute atmosphere, cute music, all the animation - and the lil guy at the bottom!!
Level 13 Chipist
post #186756 :: 2024.03.12 1:20am
  dogsplusplus liēkd this
omg it took me a couple tries to get into the groove of it but once i did it was really fun to figure out. some random nitpicks:
- it can be too easy to accidentally expend a move when you click on something and then change your mind!!
- the small resource indicators at the bottom fill up when you do the match, and NOT when the droplet falls to the bottom. this made it harder for me to gauge what exactly was happening after following the droplet with my eyes
this is the kind of game i can perfectly spend hours messing with >:) good job!!
Level 19 Criticist
post #186778 :: 2024.03.12 6:21am
  dogsplusplus liēkd this
Somewhat hard to differentiate between the objects, but very fun still!
Level 25 Chipist
post #187154 :: 2024.03.21 1:45am
  dogsplusplus liēkd this
Aww cute little guy

This game walks, so spring tracks could run
Level 25 Chipist
post #187337 :: 2024.03.30 3:59am :: edit 2024.03.30 4:00am
  dogsplusplus and Collidy liēkd this
The match-3 loving guy I am, I had fun playing this game.

The concept is a really good start of a new unique branch in the match-3 genre - the matching-pieces can be swapped futher than 1 tile but costs energy, and the objective is to gather resources to grow the plants to get fruit, and is rewarded with energy in the end. But like the others say, the game quickly locks up into unescapable situations.

I think the concept has just been found and can be polished to work. Some suggestions I have in mind for improvement:
- Either make the hourglass-pieces less occuring than the other pieces, or remove the energy-penalty. (or don't - test it to see what works best)
- When a vine has reached the top of the screen, it has "OVERGROWN", and the little guy comes, crawls up and cuts a certain amount of it down, where an energy-penalty is given instead.

Otherwise it's a solid product, with nice music and really nice artwork, graphics and sound effects!

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