Level 23 Mixist
7th Σ3.581

7th Σ3.672

7th Σ3.537

7th Σ3.977

blown pants 
6th Σ4.278

PUS PUS: The Space Journey
  7th/8   Σ19.045   Oct 6th 2018 11:16pm
3===D ~ ~ ~

Epilepsy warning (and penilepsy)!

This originally had to be a total joke entry because of the low motivation level but it kind of accidentally got BLOWN out of proportion when I had some extra spare time to work on it and also learn the TIC-80. This extremely (un)original idea has for a long time been something I've been craving to do out of the way, and finally had an excuse to :)

Little bit about the game itself:
It's a space shooter with a twist. I'm gonna be honest, it's a really fast paced penis shooter. You're on a journey to destroy the grand pussy and beyond (interpret how you will)! The game contains fabulous visual imagery so you shouldn't probably play it if you're using library computer, or get easily shocked by sum pixels!

The game has three bosses, and whole 60 waves of enemies of different patterns and combinations in total. The quest won't be easy - the baddies will be trying to slow you down in various ways, including pooping on you, trying to cut you in half and electrocuting you... Luckily your penis-shaped "ship" is armed with balls full of powerful sperm to blast the "enemies" with, and you also have five unique upgradeable powerups additionally available! Be cautios though, because if you die you will lose all of them (unless you're blessed winkyface)

So yeah, it has dicks and don't take it too seriously. Give it a try, it's actually good, I hope (if you're into sh-mu-ps).

## Controls go as follows ##
Arrows - Move around
A - Hold down for focus mode (move precisely, shots are centered)
S - Tap for fire (autofire is on by default, it can be disabled by changing AUTOFIRE_ENABLED in the document start from 'true' to 'false' but I don't personally recommend it)
These are controuls for the keyboard, I don't know where these buttons map on the gambpad controller

Unfortunately some (although minimal amount) of the planned content had to be cut from the game because of document size limit and compo deadline, so few of the enemies repeat throughout the game since there wasn't enough room/time for new unique ones for each stage. Also there is a slight chance the game is actually a buggy mess and I just haven't discovered any of those bugs yet, but let's hope for the best.

For maximum compability I suggest running the game straight by loading it to the standalone TIC-80 application program, using a recent version (tested 0.70.5-0.70.6)

And that's about all. Have fun and don't give it up too easily. Hope the game doesn't lag too much cause of the large amount of code.
PS: The game WILL go on indefinitely and all the stages loop but get harder every time (think of a NG+), while you can actually continue playing forever after reacting the highest possible score, but you might as well just intentionally destroy yourself to end the game at that point



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StinkerB06 - StinkerB06's First Intro Music
Level 22 Chipist
post #104246 :: 2018.10.06 9:52pm
  mirageofher, null1024, petet and Lia liēkd this
fuck i accidentally the favorite button instead of the add tag button
Level 28 Chipist
post #104247 :: 2018.10.06 10:17pm
  Lia and petet liēkd this
Lots of cool effects for the title and game over screen.
the player "ship" is a tad bit rude lol :PPP

the game is maddeningly fast and holding focus doesn't seem to do anything
like, at all
Level 23 Mixist
post #104248 :: 2018.10.07 12:02am
Focus doesn't do much besides slowing down the ship if you haven't got the double/tripleshoot powerup (single shot is always centered, obviously). The slow-down couldn't be too severe because there are still parts where you need to do quick movements while centering the shots to deal consistent damage, but it definitely affects the moving speed, at least a little.
Level 30 Chipist
post #104257 :: 2018.10.07 9:17am
  DevEd and Lia liēkd this

Level 24 Mixist
post #104523 :: 2018.10.17 10:52am
  Lia liēkd this
edmund mcmillen influence, i see
Level 24 Mixist
post #104546 :: 2018.10.18 4:01am
  Lia hæitd this
blown pants
Level 28 Mixist
post #104584 :: 2018.10.19 11:16pm
  Lia liēkd this
ok, despite how disgusting this game is i am actually really enjoying it

i just managed to beat the anus boss, the gimmick for that one was really creative, i thought!
Level 21 Criticist
post #104656 :: 2018.10.21 11:38am
  Lia liēkd this
The dick controls like ass.
Level 32 Chipist
post #146434 :: 2021.09.06 3:09pm
bump! :D :D
Level 23 Mixist
post #146485 :: 2021.09.07 1:34pm
Thank you for remembering the anniversary, kleeder (I didn't, because I don't like to look at the dates, scores or the compo page), but it's mostly just sad how many times in a row I've failed to make an appealing game for these game jams. It made me kinda moody so I went to shower to cope with it and almost cried, but stopped (I'm unable to cry nowadays)

I played it again earlier (for the first time in 3 years) to see what's it like and it's so bad for everyone. Luckily I still had tic-80 installation and the file on my computer so at least I didn't have to redownload it and risk favoriting it.

Firstly: It's very obscene but that's nothing. It's way too hectic (even in the beginning) and the average playing experience goes like this:
1) Start up the game
2) See an organ, then die (almost instantly)
3) (Confused or disappointed) Quit the game

It's honestly so bad it's obvious why nobody would want to play it. There's no motivation for 99% of the people to press "play again" after the first game over, and the rest just want to find out just how bad exactly it is (or are optimistic and up for a double-disappointment).

I hate how the game is, and how I apparently spent many weeks developing it (even had a break at one point) and even then did not see any problem?

And then even tried to pass it off as a "joke game" oh my god like holy moley (if I could go back in time I would punch myself in the face for even thinking of typing that, but just so you know, I'm not violent). The game really didn't have to be obscene. The sprites could've been placeholders and the final enemy's characteristic would've been more than enough for the title to make sense (and the double meaning could be subtext).

I tried for 20-40 minutes today (lost track of time completely) and couldn't get to the second level boss (I'm having fun with the game nonetheless), but that's considerably usual. When I playtested I think I played it for 3 hours every day just to get to the final boss once, and even then I constantly kept changing things to make the game easier and easier.

The "clappers" on second stage were surprisingly much easier to dodge than I recalled. They might have been one of the things I made considerably less difficult over time.

The second stage is overall my favorite one with the most creative ideas and the most fun to play. Mostly because it combines vertical+horizontal in an interesting manner. I peeked at the .gif and it showcases part from the third stage, those flying flashing objects with teleporting patterns are the worst, and those little walking tail guys can also be really tedious to deal with.

Then there's bulldoo like "grab this power up package" and it gave me triple points and double speed and I lost the run because of it. Clearly the speed-up is only meant for messing with you when you're playing because it's the only one you have to actively dodge. But what does that benefit? If I'm not pissed already, after an anti-powerup homes right into me and messes up my controls I surely am. It's hardly clever but I clearly thought "unfair = clever". (Except it's not unfair for me because I know when it's coming!!)

So the game does everything to make you wanna stop playing. What I should have done in the very least is put in a "99 lives" cheat. Why didn't I? It would've saved everything. Can't believe I expected many people to want to experience the game in its current form, and progress through three increasingly difficultier stages when it should've been just one. It's so stupid.

And how the music is just blatantly ripped off from the Enigma demo (with a bad solo) and it's the only track that plays during the game. Like for real, Dawg? Okay, these insults are getting dull, roast session over.
Level 32 Chipist
post #146511 :: 2021.09.07 10:19pm
  Lia and mirageofher liēkd this
naw, dont be too hard on urself. i see ur points tho. but also a good thing that u know better now and wouldnt do the exact same thingie again.
Level 29 Mixist
post #146514 :: 2021.09.08 12:02am
  Lia liēkd this
i will master this game. i will.

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