Level 13 Mixist

42nd Σ5.443

83rd Σ5.265

74th Σ5.269

flower power 
80th Σ5.178

spring in pants 
48th Σ5.474

Opening Theme to a Game
  64th/241   Σ26.629   Jun 2nd 2023 11:29am
I mean what can I say, meant to submit this way earlier and yet here we are after multiple extensions B)

Never really wrote anything in musescore before. This piece is written for a more-or-less concert band similar to the one in high school, and i'm actually gettin my old high school band to play it which is pretty nifty

It sounds surprisingly not bad with the default musescore soundfont, which I didn't expect. obvo better with the new muse sounds stuff

It kinda sounded like it might be the theme for an opening cinematic to a game, hence the title. uhhhh enjoy

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roz - Eleven with Kevin

nextious entry
SnugglyBun - Everlasting Emotions
Level 17 Mixist
post #171485 :: 2023.06.03 7:19pm
  cabbage drop, damifortune, gotoandplay and Impasaurus liēkd this
Woah, muse sounds! I haven't gotten to try them yet and this is the first real example of hearing them for me. They're so realistic!

The song itself is indeed like a game's opening cutscene, it's especially reminiscent of the music that plays during those of the modern Kirby games. Springy, frolicking along in the grass, ready to go on an adventure to save...something! Then the threat looms.

I hope the school enjoys it!
Level 28 Chipist
post #171702 :: 2023.06.07 2:47pm
  Impasaurus and cabbage drop liēkd this
this just owns
Level 31 Chipist
post #172104 :: 2023.06.11 7:20pm
  Impasaurus and cabbage drop liēkd this
a wonderful overture! good luck with the performance! my high school was not particularly interested in donating their time and effort when i approached them with stuff in college, so i will live vicariously through yours' acceptance
Level 12 Mixist
post #172225 :: 2023.06.13 12:42pm
  Impasaurus and cabbage drop liēkd this
Woahhhhhhhhhh this sounds so beautiful :0!!! Lovely sound, and an equally lovely composition :D
Level 22 Mixist
post #172363 :: 2023.06.15 6:17pm
  Impasaurus liēkd this
I really like this. The way everything fits together and each sectiom sort of plays off of one another is really spectacular. My one criticism is it feels like it needs either a triangle part or a glockenspiel part throughout: something vaguely tiney like that to offset the woodwind range. That's all though. If I'm criticizing your work with something that's missing it means I really enjoyed what's there!

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