One Way Ticket to a Cold Body
  Dec 13th 2024 9:13pm
Made with LSDJ version 9.3.9.

I'd used LSDJ once before awhile ago, but I still needed to relearn all the controls and such before I found myself working comfortably. That compounded with my additional tiredness led to yet another short song; although given the nature of this battle, I don't mind treating most days like an OHB.

I wanted the percussion to be like a train, so hopefully at least that translated. This is probably the worst melody I've cranked out in a hot minute but I am beyond the point of being concerned about that right now.

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syntheticgoddess - poirrot rides the polar express and doesn't die at the end

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Level 25 Chipist
th4 D34D
post #206036 :: 2024.12.28 3:17pm
  icrawfish liēkd this
I definitely hear the train like perc idea. Cool fades on the arps!
Level 19 Chipist
post #207155 :: 2025.01.03 10:57am
  icrawfish liēkd this
Ya know what? This has great chord shaping.
And heard that steam train "Chugga chugga!"

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