Level 25 Chipist
th4 D34D
post #91254 ::
2017.10.14 1:04am
AugustusBlkheart, anewuser, MiDoRi, Zillah, ViLXDRYAD, Dimeback, raphaelgoulart, RazerBlue6 and Strobe liēkd this
AugustusBlkheart, anewuser, MiDoRi, Zillah, ViLXDRYAD, Dimeback, raphaelgoulart, RazerBlue6 and Strobe liēkd this
Damn man, instant classic. Sounds like an intro for some crazy space shooter or something. Your soundscape is killer, really nice wide sounds! This is the kind of track that could work on non 8bit games like wipeout, unreal tournament, quake etc. Of course I can picture some crazy demoscene shit to this... Back and delivering quality musiqs!