post #93357 ::
2017.12.18 9:39am :: edit 2017.12.18 9:41am
Nice tuna. Some parts sound for all the world like the AY-3-8910! I think this is the kind of track that the AY-Riders would write if they came from the NES scene instead of the Speccy scene.
My only comment is that it could be faster. Personally I think it sounds **killer** at around 150% speed (or anywhere from 105-115 bpm) but maybe that's just me.
Dayumn my dood. This is a solid good time! Would make a killer title sequence. You could vary it up instead of straight looping, but you are nailing everything else. Smooth ending.
post #96740 ::
2018.02.24 12:43pm :: edit 2018.02.24 12:44pm
That sound design, Dippy... I like it.
I'd say that it shows the influence that the Discord server has had in you... but no, I'm not taking any merit away from your tune.
Good track.