My Organ In Your Break
  Nov 28th 2024 9:35am
Two samples? Nah f%ck that, imma just use the one. Organs are everwhere for those with eyes to see after all


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Level 24 Chipist
th4 D34D
post #202060 :: 2024.11.29 2:38am :: edit 2024.11.29 2:46am
  Stupe liēkd this
Milkytracker->OpenMPT (☉_ ☉)

Did you use that new Milky tracker? Have you checked out the beta synth (obviously not for this song :P)?

...oh yeah and absolutely bonkers track hahaha. Almost makes me regret using the saw lol. Great when the deep bass parts come back in with the higher pitch breaks in the later half. Stupe.ndous!
Level 12 Chipist
post #202090 :: 2024.11.29 10:59am
  th4 D34D liēkd this
Thanks man. And nah, Milkytracker X I think it's called (lol.) I have a buddy who likes it, but I usually go at least 5 years between software updates out of sheer apathy. I was planning to knuckle down and use OpenMPT for the whole thing, even made an FTII-like keyboard map, but as usual I got mildly frustrated and bailed out. So in the end I did all the tracking in Milky and just used OMPT to throw some FX on and render. It actually allows you to save .XMs with VSTs and some other heresies. Not really backwards compatible of course. You don't get all the capabilities of MPT project files, but I'm very stubborn

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