Level 23 Mixist

cool breeze 
62nd Σ5.491

sweaty glasses 
106th Σ5.119

longer days 
59th Σ5.447

brighter mornings 
95th Σ5.110

sun in pants 
108th Σ5.185

Mourning Over My Own Mistakes
  77th/240   Σ26.352   Jul 24th 2023 9:11pm
another sentimental song of mine. i made this song as a way to cope with the fact that there are times where some mistakes and errors i committed in my life can't be fixed, where the only thing i can do is ignore them or mourn over the damage they caused to myself and others.
it's fakebit since it uses 2xtildearrow sound unit(s), fantasy soundchips (as in soundchips that don't exist in real life)
Made in Furnace DEV164

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Yung Gotenks - Strobe Lights

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MelonadeM - A day out by the beach
Level 31 Chipist
post #173956 :: 2023.07.25 6:45am
  cabbage drop and Abraxas86 liēkd this
a keygen designed to make you feel wistful! really pretty, and love the driving percussion underneath. no idea what the "tildearrow unit" has to offer but this is quite a full sound!
Level 10 Criticist
post #175947 :: 2023.08.29 12:48pm
  cabbage drop liēkd this
You would have fooled me if you said this was a legit chip track. It's got a nice Outrun kinda vibe to it. I've found it interesting how I've reflected on a lot of these songs versus their titles.

This one for example, is a cool late evening drive in a sportscar with the top down. There's a vibrant sunset and a cool breeze.

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