This really makes me miss sample entries. Looped once or twice this would score high for sure.
Not what I was planning to upload, but unfortunately my time management sucked. So here's one of my unreleased recordings of an experiment I did with my modular synth.
You get a bunch of pulse wave oscillators playing an arbitrary chord that I picked by ear. If you have absolute pitch...sorry buddy.
Pink noise is fed into a Sample & Hold. The output of the Sample & Hold is also fed back into it and mixed with the pink noise which is something I do a lot now. I feel it makes the output more musically useful.
The output is also fed into a note quantizer that cleans up the intervals. The quantizer has the side effect of causing varying note lengths, because it will ignore small changes.
Only if the output of the Sample & Hold exceeds a certain threshhold will an envelope be triggered that controls a lowpass filter. The output of the filter goes into a spring reverb tank.
Fun fact: I reused this patch in my song Glorbs for the iomods compo last year.
I don't really know why, but I prefer this recording to the Glorbs song. It's very rough, short and it is essentially just a single sound playing. But I've been listening to it over and over again for months and I keep getting reminded of the calm amazement and sense of discovery I had when I recorded it.
This to me is the beauty of modular synthesizers. They are cumbersome and complicated beasts. But the process of building and using one is something I haven't experienced with other instruments.
Enough rambling, I know this is no winner material, but I'd be happy to have nerdy discussions about synths in the comments :3