Level 31 Chipist
Boom Map

338th Σ4.415

88th Σ5.459

yum factor 
228th Σ4.879

297th Σ4.728

candlelight in pants 
127th Σ5.063

Mario Visits the Historic Museum of Demonic Servitude
  199th/712   Σ24.544   Dec 11th 2024 8:33pm
Mario finds an appealing flyer on the ground and sets a course for Mars...

See the finest, most thorough Cacodemon display this side of the galaxy! Observe the transition between life and demonhood. Rare monsters that are difficult to catch and display - the kind that would incinerate you at a moment's notice if not for our patented "block everything" technology! Mysterious otherworldly glitch zones from floor to ceiling. And, last but not least... our experimental "walk amongst the Barons of Hell" green room, bathed in calming green fire. They won't hurt you... probably. Unless you've been naughty.

Visit the Museum of Demonic Servitude today! :)

purely exploratory level although you might have fun shooting at a few different things if you find the shooty stuff. featuring a mysterious midi made today by a mysterious fish.
i ran this with dsda-doom and freedoom2.wad: dsda-doom.exe -iwad freedoom2.wad -file WONDERLA.wad -warp 1 -complevel 21

advent diary day 11: my first time messing with doom modding at all - this is not a series i am super well-acquainted with, so i decided to approach it from the angle of just making something weird and neat to wander around in. i settled on a museum idea pretty quickly once i figured out how to alter individual textures - and just let myself screw around with making things look strange or funny. though it isn't how i'd normally spend my time, it was pretty entertaining for what it was!


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kilowatt64 - Hung by the Chimney with Care

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Melon - MDMA Gingerbread
Level 25 Chipist
th4 D34D
post #203802 :: 2024.12.11 10:11pm :: edit 2024.12.11 10:11pm
  damifortune liēkd this
What a trip lol. A few monsters started getting out and kicking my ass though.
Level 22 Chipist
post #203822 :: 2024.12.12 2:33am
  damifortune liēkd this
love the little nature walk through the mob of passive hell barons! very nice chill nontraditional DOOM experience.

speed run ⌛ n/a
Level 22 Chipist
post #207493 :: 2025.01.06 2:09am
  damifortune liēkd this
I don't know if you've seen this, but I stumbled across it today and it reminded me of your level!

Level 31 Chipist
post #207680 :: 2025.01.07 11:52pm
wow, what a delight - if i had infinite time and patience for something like this, that would've definitely been the direction to take this entry conceptually lolol
Level 30 Chipist
post #208103 :: 2025.01.11 7:36pm
Gameplay video: https://youtu.be/IZQqVfVJlgM

Got assaulted during my visit, 2/5 would not visit again. And I'm suing.

(fr though very interesting concept, I don't know what's up with the Barons not attacking until the end though lol. I wasn't being naughty, was I?)
Level 31 Chipist
post #208104 :: 2025.01.11 7:39pm
in my experience all the enemies [that can get to you] are passive until you have attacked [at all] once, and then they will put on the hurt
Level 31 Chipist
post #208105 :: 2025.01.11 7:43pm
ohh after watching your video it seems like it happens when the little metroidy things start shooting at you around 2:00, or maybe when the cacos saw you and growled before that...
Level 19 Criticist
post #209035 :: 2025.01.19 8:01am
  damifortune liēkd this
I found a petting zoo, but the animals didn't seem to like the petting much.
There's a lot of curves in this. Kinda uncanny for doom.
Very interesting Entry!
Level 27 Chipist
post #209203 :: 2025.01.20 11:30pm
  damifortune liēkd this
Love this level! Feels both calm and tense at the same time, you're never quite sure how safe you are. The creative geometries are fun and weird. And of course love the music too!
Level 28 Chipist
post #209757 :: 2025.01.28 9:04am :: edit 2025.01.28 9:05am
  damifortune liēkd this
Dr. John Hammond, designing a doom level with creatures that definitely won't assail patrons: "Spare no expense"

The textures and music are cool, there was a couple of interesting visual glitches like when you're scanning around the room by the solid blue pillar, and creative ideas like enemies spawned in walls. I found a couple of secret hallways which was really satisfying, and I feel like this was a big enough that I'm not sure if I discovered everything! Exploring was fun


edit: I didn't realize the enemies would attack each other! that was entertaining - the little room with the red ceiling and floor

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