Level 13 Chipist
chip battle art

55th Σ3.916

47th Σ4.696

48th Σ4.365

46th Σ4.351

art in pants 
45th Σ4.569

Many Messy Letters
  49th/61   Σ21.897   Nov 6th 2022 3:46pm
Format: Wildchip (maybe a dedicated MML format?)

- Submission upload is the .MML file or a .ZIP containing it any other files needed for compilation.
- Description must mention and/or link the driver used. Any driver is accepted as long as it's available to download for free.


Introduced in early computers with MS BASIC, Music Macro Language (MML) was a music script format for programing music in those machines. Its format became the basis not only for many of its contemporary sound drivers but also future chiptune tools with mck and beyond, maintaining a good degree of popularity in Japan to this day.

In the western chiptune community it saw a good degree of use in the 2000's as trackers like Famitracker were still on its first steps. As those became more fully-fledged and more options appeared, many switched over to them, but the format still sees popular use in Super Mario World romhacks with AddMusicK, and a small following in PMD, MGSDRV and PPMCK.

This battle is a celebration of that history and all drivers that make part of it.


Battle art made using Playscii using the MSX character set and palette, desaturated afterwards


previous entry
Enderjed - Speech Synthesis

nextious entry
Viraxor - the moon
Level 29 Chipist
post #162958 :: 2022.11.10 4:52pm
  skydev, a-tiny-pony and Yukari liēkd this
Level 24 Mixist
post #163571 :: 2022.11.30 7:26am
What are some tools one might use to get started with this format?
Level 13 Chipist
post #163591 :: 2022.11.30 7:02pm :: edit 2022.11.30 7:03pm
  damifortune liēkd this
@Lasertooth: PMD, PPMCK and AddMusicK
have been well documented in english so they're good starting points.

Personally I think PMD is the easiest.

I'm currently working on a general guide for MML that covers the basics that are common among most formats, but it's on WIP for now.
Level 28 Chipist
post #163632 :: 2022.12.01 9:05am
  Yukari liēkd this
might be a nice entryway for people looking to make their first mml tunes... my caveat is that if wildchip is used, it will be administratively difficult as you will get the inevitable person(s) not reading the competition rules and just submitting any old tune that isnt made from mml
Level 13 Chipist
post #163656 :: 2022.12.01 9:49pm :: edit 2022.12.01 9:50pm
Definitely, there's been MML OHBs before that had it on the rules and it worked but the best case scenario is a dedicated format

It would also allow more compos for the format which would be super cool ´v`
Level 31 Chipist
post #168548 :: 2023.03.10 9:34am
this could potentially make for a cool plaintext major now that that's a format ... if perhaps audio renders were still suppliable for the format by then

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