I took a look at the build inside and... you submitted a SPC that uses a build (C700 at that, which comes in SNES-side and SPC-side variants, with you picking the wrong one) that would normally rely on a SNES ROM. The music data is stored on the SNES side, not the SPC side, therefore dumping a SPC makes it unplayable, and in my case, unrecoverable. I can't do much to save this song unless either the ROM itself is submitted (that's a .sfc file... I've seen that submitted uncommonly, but usually they're dumpable to SPC anyways unless it's done as a wildchip entry), you make a version using the SPC side only (may or may not work depending on the overall filesize of the music, and C700's not very efficient with that), or you adapt it to a different sound driver.