

Level 10 Criticist
TIC-80 Tiny Computer

9th Σ5.146

5th Σ5.724

12th Σ5.116

6th Σ5.286

time in pants 
13th Σ5.003

Lunar Harvest
  7th/24   Σ26.274   Mar 10th 2024 11:52am
Lunar New Years being recent and the theme of TIME combined == a "farming" sim. Sell crops, make money. I will also not explain anything else here, because I put a how-to-play screen in the game (p-p-p-polish).

I was going to add a few more songs, but those will have to wait for an updated version (you'll be able to find that on the tic80 site (this is a link to the game)!

Please let me know if you catch any bugs and any other such ideas! I very much want feedback. (I'm already considering altering how combo breaks work (b-b-b-game balancing))

Credits: Everything by me except for the BotB logo from Balmung by petet and the multiplier/high-score animations adapted from Bizarroïd by ValentinAm

Happy Moon Farming!


previous entry
petet - Knotsnake

nextious entry
argarak - space sentinel
Level 22 Chipist
post #186594 :: 2024.03.10 1:37pm
  mirageofher and Hz-Voyager liēkd this
this is a fun one
the gameplay is quite fun (when I'm not randomly dying to thin air)
the music is also nice
I also loved the visuals, they give me earthbound vibes (for some reason)

(also using 2 circles to make a moon is a cool way of doing it!)
Level 10 Criticist
post #186595 :: 2024.03.10 1:47pm :: edit 2024.03.10 8:49pm
Heyo thanks! The thin air death is the earth shadow I'm gonna guess. Bit of a more abstracted timer that kills you if you don't meet the quota...but it might be neat to add some more clarity via the UI (and reduce the quota scaling), hmm yes yes
Level 27 Chipist
post #186643 :: 2024.03.10 9:51pm
  Hz-Voyager liēkd this
Very cute and fun game!

I really love the visual effects when you get a bonus multiplier. They look so cool!!

I like the gameplay concept of deciding whether to hold out for a bonus multiplier or not. I almost think that alone was an interesting enough mechanic to not need the enemy which slowly follows you, although I didn't mind it.

I was also confused the first couple times I died because I didn't meet the quota, but I did figure it out pretty quickly. I do think the quota multiplier seems a bit high, but I know that kind of thing can be tricky to balance.

The palette changes are cool! Sometimes can be a bit jarring/confusing, but not that bad.

Lots of nice polish too! Here's a random unordered list of other little details I appreciated:
* "a new record" graphics
* all the palette changes
* the text telling you to press enter moving so it's more eye-catching
* in-game instructions

my high score: 9110
Level 10 Criticist
post #186677 :: 2024.03.11 4:50am
Yeah, the Moon Fly following Tico around is something I plan on tweaking (I was playing Domino Man a few weeks ago which has a very similar enemy). I'm thinking just having it wander around aimlessly would be better.

Tubular feedback. Many thanks!
Level 15 Chipist
post #186713 :: 2024.03.11 5:40pm
  Hz-Voyager liēkd this
i love the jingles!!

the effects are awesome too
Level 13 Chipist
post #186761 :: 2024.03.12 2:03am
  Hz-Voyager liēkd this
oh the arcade aesthetics are ON POINT here
Level 10 Criticist
post #187192 :: 2024.03.23 4:34am :: edit 2024.03.24 12:48am
Okie dokie, I went ahead and put out a "final" version of the game. You can play it either here on itch.io
or on the TIC-80 site as linked above.

-Multiplier now only reduces by 1 if you get a crop not in the special (allows for more strategic spending of the Multiplier Touch).
-A prompt shows up if you're under quota near the end of a lunar month, for clarity!
-Quota made a lot a bit less harsh on the upwards scaling
-Altered enemy movement (aimless wandering instead of following player)
-Bonus lives every 30000 points instead of 5000
-More songs! (four new in-game themes)
-Various additional minor tweaks and improvements

As a result of these changes, high scores from the previous version have been reset! My highest so far has been 93534. Beat that, kid!

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