Level 28 Chipist
Atari Pokey Chip

level : squirrel farm 
16th Σ3.980

24th Σ4.655

38th Σ3.623

Los Osos descubren la Granja de las Vacas Ardillas de Jupiter
  34th/50   Σ20.217   Sep 6th 2007 4:05pm
La historia dice...

Cuando Los Osos llegaron a Jupiter, se percataron que habia una Granja, al entrar en ella, descubrieron que era una granja de Vacas Ardillas y las estaban orde

previous entry
dumb dwarf - Habujabu

nextious entry
vintaque - You won the game, what next?
Level 28 Chipist
post #6821 :: 2007.09.06 4:05pm
La historia dice...

Cuando Los Osos llegaron a Jupiter, se percataron que habia una Granja, al entrar en ella, descubrieron que era una granja de Vacas Ardillas y las estaban ordeñando a travez de un aparato muy sofisticado. Viendo esto, Los Osos decidieron poner en marcha este aparato sofisticado para extraer la tan preciada Leche de Vaca Ardilla.

Buscaron y buscaron hasta que encontaron un boton el cual activo este aparato cuando derrepente se oyo una voz con acento extraño proveniente de otro planeta!...

- HEY!!!... que hacen!!!??? - Los Osos muy asustados trataron de esconderse -
-... les falto presionar este BOTON!...

Y Los Osos se hecharon a reir y continuaron viendo como funcionaba este aparato...
Level 30 Mixist
Baron Knoxburry
post #6822 :: 2007.09.06 4:09pm
so much spanish!!! ;_;
Level 23 Renderist
post #6823 :: 2007.09.06 4:41pm :: edit 2007.09.06 8:43pm
So fucking great! ui, you're deviant you know it, right??? Well YOU ARE!! :P

Man, it's time you ditch famitracker for raster music. Great stuff+great background story.

Edit: ditching fami? obviously a joke.
Level 27 Renderist
post #6824 :: 2007.09.06 4:48pm
As the story is told...

When The Bears arrived at Jupiter, they were looking out for a Ranch, while inside of it, they discovered that it was a ranch of Cows and Squirrels; and they were being milked along a very sophisticated apparatus. Seeing this, The Bears decided to start up the sophisticated apparatus to extract the highly appraised Milk of Cow Squirrel.

They searched and searched until they found a button in which activated this apparatus, when suddenly they heard a voice with a strange accent originating from another planet!...

- "HEY!!!... What are you guys doing!!!???"

The Bears, who were very scared, tried to hide themselves.

- "... You guys need to press this BUTTON!..."

And The Bears bursted out laughing and continued to see that the apparatus worked...


ui's spelling is about as good in Spanish as it is in English. :O
Level 28 Chipist
post #6825 :: 2007.09.06 6:58pm
baron!--- jajaja well thx to b00daw now you have it in english! =X

anewuser!... WOOOOT?? why you say that??! =X, really thx for the comments!

b00daw!!!!!!!!!! my friend!!!!! =X... thx for the translate!! =X.... and thx for the comment about my "spelling"
Level 9 Chipist
post #6826 :: 2007.09.08 7:27am
It has nice parts, but it feels like it's breaking apart too much. Maybe it's just a matter of taste.
Level 27 Chipist
post #6827 :: 2007.09.09 4:51pm
Now I feel bad for doing stereo! Love those sound effects!
Level 15 Criticist
post #6828 :: 2007.09.09 8:02pm :: edit 2007.09.09 8:04pm
Nice tune Ui. You are improving all the time! \o/
Level 27 Renderist
post #6829 :: 2007.09.09 11:13pm
pienso que esta canción es tu mejor SAP, pana. como el anu dijo, tú debes usar pokey más.

great job, superpal.
Level 26 Mixist
post #6830 :: 2007.09.11 3:23pm
this is a happy one thats for sure.
Level 28 Chipist
post #6831 :: 2007.09.14 10:44pm
vintaque... =X... thx thx!!... ok... well read about the story! :O maybe thats why i break/pause the track... or something
Kulor, jaja yeah you cheater!! =X
lilly!.... =X... thx =) i'm just trying to learn and get better! =X
B00daw. AJJAJA, no creo!....
Sc... \o/ yeah, it's pure ui style :O...

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