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OminPigeonMaster - Blizzard Ridge Zone.mp3
Level 30 Mixist
post #140989 :: 2021.05.02 4:01pm
  CreepyCrawly and kleeder liēkd this
Played live on the Yamaha PSR-6300 from 1986.

One of my formative musical experiences was from back then. I was 5 years old in 1988 and my grandpa had just got a PSR-6300, and I thought it was the coolest, most futuristic keyboard I could possibly imagine. I always begged to play it every time I would go to my grandparents' house, so much so that he brought it over to let me play it for a weekend.
I just never forgot about the Yamaha keyboard with the crazy folding control panel. Now, 33 years later, I finally got one. This is the first recording I've made with it!

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