Level 23 Chipist
DefleMask Legacy

organic produce 
198th Σ3.705

razor leaf 
194th Σ3.906

201st Σ3.469

cool pastures 
184th Σ3.687

wood in pants 
168th Σ3.895

La valse du cerisier
  196th/206   Σ18.662   Apr 12th 2015 1:28pm
"The cherry tree waltz".

At the first days of spring, bring your beloved one under the cherry tree, and steal her a kiss...

previous entry
cce - fiesta

nextious entry
CuteEwok - Select a Spring
Level 19 Chipist
post #56929 :: 2015.05.09 5:25am
  garvalf liēkd this
Level 11 Chipist
post #57451 :: 2015.05.26 3:15pm
  garvalf liēkd this
Huh, I thought for sure you'd do better than me! I really liked your usage of the chip here; perhaps a little repetitive and random but you've got a really interesting effect going on. Sounds kinda, glitchy I guess? It's neat. I especially enjoy the tempo changes.

The bit after 1 minute is also pretty neat.
Level 23 Chipist
post #57599 :: 2015.06.02 3:44am :: edit 2015.06.02 3:44am
  NARFNra liēkd this
@NARFNra thank you. Your tune was great too, and certainly deserved a better result...

anyway, I think the competitions / battles are great for getting the motivation to create more musics, but I don't really care of the results because I know everyone can't have the same tastes...
Level 11 Chipist
post #57605 :: 2015.06.02 10:02am :: edit 2015.06.02 10:03am
  garvalf liēkd this
Yeah. Well, in the end, I think the point of the site isn't really to win. It's nice to see what people think of your music, but I think a lot of the site's purpose is just to see what other people can make out of limited systems. It's fun and a cool way to learn new tricks you wouldn't see elsewhere.

As for the ranking of mine, well, I think it deserved it personally. It wasn't very long and i made it in about a day, there was a lot of polishing and stuff I could have done better.

I agree, though, that these are best for motivation. If we liked our music, then more power to us! We just gotta keep on creating.

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