Level 22 Mixist
classic DOS module

120th Σ4.777

81st Σ5.279

58th Σ5.364

flower power 
116th Σ4.862

spring in pants 
110th Σ4.964

  100th/241   Σ25.245   May 27th 2023 8:25pm
i don't know if this is complete, i don't know if I even like it, but i feel like i've done all i can for it.

and I think that's fitting for a song inspired by a struggle to load samples into ableton

this piece is admittedly very tangled and sounds nonsensical at times, but i think i'll look back on it fondly.

or i'll hate it and release LOADING TIME DX: RELOADED. who knowwwwws!!

1. load disk<-'
2. if you press every key it loads faster
3. 90% loaded?! surely a power outage can't stop that!

EDIT: Touchups.

previous entry
LittleTheremin - Smol Groov

nextious entry
haberchuck - Slow Jamz
Level 28 Chipist
post #172075 :: 2023.06.11 9:11am :: edit 2023.06.11 9:19am
i was going to comment about how this is like 3 songs and then you uhhh do just that in the description
its hard to say whether i would have enjoyed each piece more as standalone tracks rather than all put together as they they dont really reference each other
in any case they all had something different to add, i think i enjoyed 1 and 3 the most only bcs i dont seem to successfully be able to do the style of 3 in a tracker very well so nice to see someone else be able to do it, and 1 because its just a chill time
Level 31 Chipist
post #172153 :: 2023.06.12 6:43am
  kleeder and cabbage drop liēkd this
you are developing a very good ear for ambience, i liked the first part a lot

it is indeed kind of hard to vote on multi-song entries.. both here and e.g. your recent partial-soundtrack song there were big standouts for me
Level 22 Mixist
post #172158 :: 2023.06.12 8:19am :: edit 2023.06.12 8:24am
  cabbage drop liēkd this
To be fair, though the songs are unrelated they are all intended to tell the same "story" of loading something. My intention was to create a piece that captured the waiting process when loading something: you typically do something else while it loads.

Also I think I am starting to realize that this is a keystone of the way I like to make music, and if that means that voting suffers, I'll be honest, I don't really think it bothers me all too much. I do think I should start to find ways to relate the tracks better, though.
Level 17 Mixist
post #172730 :: 2023.06.25 8:15am
This is an epic and it is epic (sorry for less than usual detail im in a hurry)

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