Level 19 Mixist
Commodore Plus/4

122nd Σ3.432

123rd Σ3.253

120th Σ3.543

116th Σ3.716

Rarity in Pants 
120th Σ3.398

  121st/128   Σ17.341   Nov 26th 2023 8:49am
I know what you're thinking, gentle reader.

You see the timestamp of this submission. You see the number of Plus/4 (Minus/60) entries. And you, my friend, are smiling a bit as you think, "Oh, heh, I get it, this guy threw together a quickie at the last minute just to maybe gain an ill-earned trophy in an under-entered format! I, the reader, perhaps slightly appreciate that hustle, even as I deeply deplore the tactic being used on a website about friendly and honorable competition".

Dear reader, oh how I wish you were right.

It pains me to admit it, but I spent a total of several hours spread out over the course of, well, the entire competition, wrangling with Knaecketraecker. This was the very first project (if the result can even be called that) I started, and it will be the very last one I submit.

Look, I get it. Knaecketraecker is meant for hardcore individuals. I can understand a hardcore individual tracker using hex for its row notation. I can understand a hardcore individual tracker forcing me to type "PT (downarrow)" a bunch of times in lieu of copy-pasting. I can understand something that's touching the raw hardware of Commodore's deservedly-maligned "Minus-60" being a little bit, shall we say, non-standard in how it implements tempo and swing timing.

No note off command? Well, that's, uh, something, but I can just create a blank instrument, it's not the end of the world.

No row shading, though? So I have to memorize which hexadecimal numbers correspond to whole, half, quarter, and eighth notes? That was the penultimate straw, and a straw that was the final straw of many an individual Knaecke session. But, you know, I managed to chin up and slog through it and even brush up on my hexidecimal a little bit.

But no way to insert pattern rows? So if I want to add a few measures early on, I have to basically delete everything and retype it? No. Nuh-uh. Forget it. Nope. That's it. Game over. You win, Knaecketraecker. Enjoy the hours of my time, and I will suffer the indignity of admitting to my peers that this collection of ear-splitting beeps that only begins to develop the raw semblance of a groove at the very end is the best I can manage.

You are a rare format for a reason, mister Plus/4.

previous entry
Minerscale - H. P. Papercraft's Psychoprintological Horrors

nextious entry
Orzeczenie - customer service
Level 32 Chipist
post #179593 :: 2023.11.26 8:59am
  cabbage drop and Lint_Huffer liēkd this
i feel like i am a damn broken vinyl player, which is always jumping back to that one part, when i repeat myself for the 1000th time: dont use that shit knaecke, use tedzakker instead. its so much more enjoyable, actually fun to use, and easy to understand.
Level 8 Playa
post #179650 :: 2023.11.27 12:54am
This is the reason why anybody should better read the brief instructions that go with a tool.

Straight from the relative text:
First of all i have to say everything starting with the player-routine up to the tracker is hacked together without even trying to meet demands that apply to proper-software. Its actually a big hack full of bugs. I'm releasing it solely because its better than having no tracker at all. So be aware of anything especially the following:

The tool is far from beeing easy-to-use or idiot-proof
I won't have time to really support this software, you will have to take it as it is
Updates for this software might certainly not be backwards-compatible. Your old songs might not work in newer versions of this software
Playback has no visual feedback in the editor. You won't see whats currently playing
The player-routine is quite huge and quite slow.
There are bugs and feature-gaps everywhere (e.g. no pattern-transpose,glideup/down, etc...)
Not all features of the playback-routine are exposed to the tracker. There are still a lot of control-commands you currently cannot access through the tracker.
The player-routine and editor might have their strengths in the percussive area, but they have weaknesses in the harmonic-department
Level 19 Mixist
post #179654 :: 2023.11.27 5:26am :: edit 2023.11.27 5:27am
Yeah, I read the instructions/disclaimer, but when the choice is between "native Windows software" and "setting up VICE and some tools to handle migration out of VICE and into Windowsland", I will always take option #1, at least initially.

And as my time with Knaecke went on, I was definitely tempted to do what Kleeder suggests. But then I saw screenshots of tedzakker and it looked like it didn't have row shading either, and while I had lots of Knaecke-irritations, my primary irritation at that particular point in time was the lack of row shading, and you know what? I was just too broken already. At that point in time it could have straight-up included a MIDI import feature and $1,000,000 recording contract and kiss on the cheek and I still would have snarled at the unshaded rows and walked away, even if it didn't also require grabbing VICE and messing around with .D64 disk image conversion and remembering that shift+2 makes a quotation mark in C= land. Haha.

Kleeder is almost certainly right, though, and everyone else should follow that advice.
Level 8 Playa
post #179714 :: 2023.11.28 6:45am :: edit 2023.11.28 7:14am
  cabbage drop and Lint_Huffer liēkd this
Meh. Must admit I've used Knaecketraecker for games and demos, and, though the limitations, it has its strong points too, and the results weren't that bad ;)
Apropos, now you too are into the HVTC
Level 32 Chipist
post #179723 :: 2023.11.28 11:36am
  cabbage drop and Lint_Huffer liēkd this
there is a windows version of tedzakker....
Level 19 Mixist
post #179731 :: 2023.11.28 4:49pm
  cabbage drop liēkd this
@Luca: Just because I'm not badass enough to handle Ktraeker doesn't make it useless, I don't at all dispute that someone focused and driven can do great stuff in it! And thank you for the add :)

@kleeder: Yeah, but the Windows port wasn't (isn't) mentioned in the Lyceum.
Level 8 Playa
post #179744 :: 2023.11.29 12:08am
  cabbage drop and Lint_Huffer liēkd this
@Lint_Huffer: ah well, I "enriched" that text about TEDzakker with those additional infos right yesterday ;)
Level 22 Chipist
post #180909 :: 2023.12.14 2:34am
Hey, nice crazy sounds here!

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