
chiba landscape

Level 5 Grafxicist
ansi art

cool breeze 
245th Σ3.466

sweaty glasses 
258th Σ3.442

longer days 
256th Σ3.187

brighter mornings 
264th Σ2.953

sun in pants 
260th Σ3.318

Japanese First Summer Sunset
  259th/288   Σ16.366   Jul 29th 2024 7:57pm
My first BotB, first ANSI


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gau - Kitchen Component Burn Site

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SepiaC - philadelphia (fffffffff)
Level 25 Grafxicist
big lumby
post #194779 :: 2024.08.06 12:48am
  Surfcroc and kleeder liēkd this
ok, this render f'd me up for a while because the text was in a different font. i think i'd be much less confusing if it were all in the same font but that's just me.

other than that, welcome to the site! nice first entry, though the title and the piece do not match at all. this looks less like "First Summer Sunset" and more like "Minecart Adventure From Far Away" to me, but it doesn't lessen the enjoyment for me. radiates massive "my first ansi" energy which i can vibe with
Level 22 XHBist
post #195359 :: 2024.08.14 11:34pm
at first I thought this was a highway scene with long haul trucks driving past a grassy field, but now I see it could be a sunset hidden behind a bench. either way I like the mood the overcast sky creates!
Level 21 Chipist
post #195382 :: 2024.08.15 11:14am

idk what I can really say...?
nice job for trying ansi (definitely not easy) but... (forgive me plz)

what's going on here???
I see a bench, and...
ye that's it

i really don't wanna be that guy (no one is a master when they start smth) but im having a stroke understanding what's going on
there's just 2 much dithering for me to make anything out (that + the title and entry have two VASTLY different ideas)

this gets a
dither / 7

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