Oh crap, my phase magic mixis absolutely terribly to mono, I guess I have to reupload the track with new and improved sound. In the meantime you promise me to listen in stereo okay?
Bytebeat tiem! Four part harmony, jammed in a C file, delicious.
Cool synth that works by adding sin wave partials!
Cool drum synth!
Arbitrary Bitrate!
Four Voices!
Infinite loop!
Runs in realtime!
Build Instructions:
1. gcc <whateverthefileis.c> -o <whateveryouwantthecompiledfiletobeidontcare> -lm
2. Record the binaries stdout or play it out the speakers using aplay. I think someone wrote a nice tool for that. Note the format is Signed 16 bit Big Endian, with a bitrate of 44100Hz. Also stereo. Basically, floatbeat. Seeing as the most popular bytebeat tool out there (greggmann one, imo) supports it, I say it's fair game.
Lots of key changes, very odd B section. Kinda fun.
! No attempt was made to make the codebase small (as a result it's fkn 'uge). !