Level 30 Chipist
NES/Famicom Classic

heart magic 
147th Σ4.889

brain tech 
146th Σ4.793

bleep plan 
139th Σ5.006

tweak tact 
187th Σ4.674

our winter pants 
183rd Σ4.553

Ice Castle Infiltration - Diaphanous Crime
  166th/324   Σ23.915   Feb 3rd 2023 6:07pm
The Ice Fortress was forsaken some few hundred years ago by its original inhabitants. It's stood in place for tyrants across all seasons. But it's also always been home to it's own subtle forces.
Glowing spectres dance slowly around, in a dream-like stupor. Fragile architecture of icy glass, purple and glimmering white, cut sharp; sharper than anything you've seen. Stories written in the carved magnificence of those frosty statues, which taunt a cruelty of will.

Dark forces have always used this place as a meeting grounds for unnatural behavior, twisting the beauty of the auroras to there will. You'll have a hard time, but whatever dark power erodes these lands has set up here, and its twisted beauty in this ethereal landscape is sucking dry the land of all nutrients and life. To find the heart of this fortress, and destroy it all from within may save many.

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Chip Champion - Epitaph: Title screen for my corpse

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Webriprob - winter chip guy
Level 31 Chipist
post #166669 :: 2023.02.04 6:34am
  cabbage drop, 607 and OminPigeonMaster liēkd this
it's got those classic huge atmospheric OPM arpeggios! lots of warmth from that keeping me warm in this icy castle. it feels like i'm infiltrating this space but constantly having my eyes bulge out like a cartoon at how much cool and beautiful and weird stuff is contained in its icy corridors
Level 30 Chipist
post #166678 :: 2023.02.04 11:13am
  cabbage drop liēkd this
Thanks Dami! I do appreciate the depth of your analysis :DDDD
Level 25 Chipist
th4 D34D
post #167179 :: 2023.02.11 5:06pm
  cabbage drop and OminPigeonMaster liēkd this
Wow your sound design is all very light and floaty, it's really perfect for the atmosphere you've described.
Level 30 Chipist
post #167292 :: 2023.02.12 2:49pm
  cabbage drop and th4 D34D liēkd this
Thanks D34D, I appreciate it! Tried hard to portray the ice castle in the sound design. To date, prob the most fun Ive had making an nsfc entry.

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