i'm a simple man, i see hospital boy, i give all 7's
Haywire Chip II Data Bending Biz
How to do mods like this. you remember this CHip from Sprigtrax? Kind of? SImply open your .WAV file, the copy and past large abounts of existing or new data in patterns on the HEX editor. Try to stick to multiples of 2 at first, 8, 16, ect. USe NOtepad++ aka Freezepad--.
Then click Save as, and save as All Files, with .WAV at the end of your file. Takes only a few minutes. Email me for further info we love to help people data bend, and we love it to see new mod techniques.
It is possible to track with code if one is patient enough!
GEt well soon Strobe and TItan!!!!
From OSPLM Crew!