
moebius skyline

Level 25 Chipist
ansi art

cool breeze 
191st Σ4.114

sweaty glasses 
201st Σ4.183

longer days 
163rd Σ4.411

brighter mornings 
218th Σ3.850

sun in pants 
210th Σ4.119

Good Evening
  198th/288   Σ20.678   Aug 5th 2024 11:52pm
A moment when the sun rose down and the apartment lights turned on.

This is the first ansi I've uploaded, tell me what ya think. ;)

Done in Moebius. Open the png in a new tab for a better preview.
(Resubmit for title change)


previous entry
CouldntBeMe - Techno-Dwarven Miscreants

nextious entry
RevvoBolt - Ending Tensions
Level 26 Grafxicist
big lumby
post #194775 :: 2024.08.06 12:34am
  Surfcroc and Collidy liēkd this
first ansi!! welcome to the cult, i'll be your pastor throughout this comment-long journey

something that definitely surprised me is that you didn't use iCE colors, which i can't tell is because you're epic and cool (which you are) or because you didn't know about them. basically, hit ctrl+e or go to Colors > Use iCE Colors. you don't have to use them -- hell, i didn't this year -- but they're nice to have since they allow you to use the whole range of 16 colors for background at the cost of blinking.

as for the piece itself, it's nice! definitely screams of "my first ansi" but we all start from somewhere, after all. the perspective on some of the buildings is wonky and there are points where i am screaming to myself "AAAAAAA WHERE ARE THE HALF HEIGHT BLOCKS KFOJAJWERAGOIJKODJFKOWIKEOFK" but for what it is, it's a damn good starting point.

i think some advice going forward is to make use of the other characters as well. not just the half-height half-width blocks, but the line/pipe characters, the fun symbols, hell even the different characters on your keyboard. ansi is, at the end of the day, 8-bit ascii with an ega palette. that might not sound like anything that impressive, but you see anything pigdev or chipchamp or i have made and you can see a gateway into nigh limitless creativity. either that or an addiction.

BONUS TIP: if you like using a numpad over a row of f keys, go to File > Settings, then turn on "Use Numpad Keys as Function Keys." go to Help > Show Numpad Mappings if you need help with it. not a huge time saver, more of a quality of life/accessibility thing. it's especially great if you got one of those seperate numpads!
Level 25 Chipist
post #194781 :: 2024.08.06 12:55am
  big lumby liēkd this
@big lumpy

omggg thx 4 your comment 🥹🥹🥹

- yes, I didn't iCE colors bc I didn't know those were exist
- yes, the building was a bit wonky, but since I can't shrink the brush size so that's all I had
- I was going to do add symbol as a pole, but the fact that it's blinking in the program it's infuriating
Level 26 Grafxicist
big lumby
post #194828 :: 2024.08.06 12:33pm
  Collidy liēkd this

  • did not know you were using the brush tool for this! kudos then, the brush on moebius is a bit...jank. in my scant time using it, it's only really good for getting a ton of one character onto one screen. for future entries, try using the function keys over the brush as it's way more versatile than using the brush. as well, iirc, the default brush setting (Half Block) can't do half width blocks which automatically makes me sad.
  • i take that to mean you wanted to do it but you didn't want it to mess up the sun/gradient sky. the thing with ansi that you will need to get used to is you need to make compromises that sacrifice as little as possible. it's kinda like having to deal with a crying child, you kinda have to be like "ok, how much am i willing to give up in order to make this work?" in that sense, it's kinda great to have stuff like iCE colors enabled, but i'm digressing.
Level 23 XHBist
post #195361 :: 2024.08.15 12:14am
  Collidy liēkd this
I love the vibrant colors and gradients! Has a really nice summer vibe to it!
Level 22 Chipist
post #195379 :: 2024.08.15 10:58am
  Collidy liēkd this
very nice road
grass be grassing

buildings r ok but i suc at ansi lol

very nice

gets a
shading / 7
Level 25 Chipist
post #195425 :: 2024.08.16 4:53am
  SRB2er liēkd this

should've resized the canvas size / 7

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