"go to submit entry and scroll to the format" -damifortune
Made with LSDJ 9.2.L, thus fulfilling a promise to DefenseMech that I'd learn a new LSDJ version this year!
Give me one
Give me two
They do not be-
long to you
Give me three
Give me more
Give me back what I had before
Give me back what I had before
Give me five and
Give me six
Give me a break or
Give me bricks
Give me credit
I'm not fine
You're afraid that
Seven eight nine
Give me back what was always mine
Give me back what was always mine
one good reason
one good reason
one good reason
one good reason
Give me one good
reason why
Think you're such a
special guy
Give me two
Give me three
Give me back what belongs to me
Give me back what belongs to me
Vocals: Sammy Shuster