Level 18 Mixist
chip battle art

50th Σ4.290

46th Σ4.804

35th Σ4.908

43rd Σ4.660

art in pants 
33rd Σ4.886

  43rd/61   Σ23.547   Nov 15th 2022 9:21pm
grindcore is a technically impressive, aurally offensive genre of music that spun out of control on the highway between the death metal and hardcore punk exits, causing a massive and tragic pile-up accident. i think it would be cool and funny if people made it with nintendos and segas instead of guitars and drumsets.

formats: gameboy, nsfplus, sgen, spc, any other 8 to 16 bit formats that might be conducive to grinding some cores.

violence in pants


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damifortune - post-rock

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Kaytse - Generative
Level 24 Mixist
post #163575 :: 2022.11.30 7:44am
  ItsDuv and kalii liēkd this
I think there's a lot of potential in this overlap!
Level 28 Chipist
post #163663 :: 2022.12.02 2:51am
  Opilion, ItsDuv and kalii liēkd this
someone going to hit up a lot of taggist points by calling every entry "short" in this one
Level 28 Chipist
post #163890 :: 2022.12.07 8:10am
  lasersphaser, ItsDuv, damifortune and kalii liēkd this
you may be delighted (or terrified?) to know that this is a whole thing already! In the 00s I actually played a noteworthy part of quite the boom of music meeting exactly this description and things similar to it. The words "cybergrind" "digigrind" or (my least favorite) "nintendocore" were and are often used.

If you already know about this I apologize if this comment is redundant, but since this is a thing I care about and for anyone curious, some artists of the style from the old days (excluding myself) include:
Dataclast, Gigantic Brain, The Smile Adventure, Hara-Kari Kitty, Yatagarasu (who used actual NES systems with distortion pedals on separate channels, easy fav on this list for me and former tourmate), iamerror, Watabou, Scissor Shock, Kindergarten Hazing Ritual. The list goes on! Of course not all used chip sounds exclusively or even at all, but it all gets put together in peoples' minds.

There was a fairly large gap in cited influences between the first wave (acts from approx 2000 - 2005) and what came after. At that time things were pretty squarely in the "pure grind but digital" arena or were drawing from a clusterfuck of genres that happened to coalesce into something that could be over-simplified into "blastbeats and bleep bloops from computer". Acts from beyond then were more likely to be influenced by "whitebelt" "scenecore" music and the digigrind acts that had already established themselves on myspace. iamerror in particular really kicked the "nintendo sounds + electronic blast beats and screaming" thing into high gear, despite not being the initial creator (arguably Hara-Kari Kitty's fakebit style or Yatagarasu's NES use could be pointed as the OGs for that). Myself using chip-adjacent sounds and having considerable success on myspace and my friend A Beautiful Lotus using GM square waves and also appearing on the myspace charts also contributed heavily to this when viewed in the broader context. The band Horse The Band of course had brought the word "nintendocore" into the popular lexicon for scene kids of the time which melded with cybergrind's nintendo sound-happy users to create a self-perpetuating scene and genre conventions. (The tweakbench plug-ins that sampled NES stuff and magical8bitplugin also were basically responsible for the ease with which the non-tracker inclined could quickly gain access to the sounds)

It continues to this day of course as well, as neither me nor Watabou have stopped (though our styles have branched substantially from being grind-centric), Blind Equation has quite a few fakebit sounds involved, as does Zombieshark!, Corvid Canine has some authentic chip tracks here and there, and while I don't know if thotcrime actually have chip sounds, they certainly exist as another prominent facet of modern "cybergrind". A number of years ago the comp "Nintendocore Lives" made a bit of a splash, demonstrating a bunch of who were doing a more chip sound oriented thing at the time, and more recently "Big Money Cybergrind" have been pushing things of the sort into the world with force.

-ahem- anyway, apologies for the long comment, I hope it was at least somewhat interesting. I wrote (and then deleted) a fairly extensive history of this topic about a decade ago and have been thinking of making a new one lately. If chip and synth oriented grind are your thing though, I got the hookup!
Level 18 Mixist
post #163980 :: 2022.12.08 6:30pm
  damifortune and ItsDuv liēkd this
That is the exact type of comment i always hope to receive my friend, i knew a tiny bit about cybergrind just through a friend who makes some with exclusively FL studio stock sounds but we were both kinda late to the party and never really In The Scene. i will savor this feast of recommendations
Level 31 Chipist
post #163982 :: 2022.12.08 7:09pm
  ItsDuv and kalii liēkd this
feature request: can i pin a comment somewhere

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