Level 22 Chipist
AdLib soundcard

heart magic 
267th Σ3.990

brain tech 
221st Σ4.408

bleep squeeze 
212th Σ4.431

deep tweak 
141st Σ4.712

the winter of our pants 
268th Σ3.825

Funkay Moves
  239th/317   Σ21.366   Jan 31st 2021 2:39am
So anyway we moved into an apartment during Winter Chip so things were pretty busy. It's nice here tho.

Written in RAD (Reality Adlib Tracker) -- it takes advantage of Riffs and such, so it needs 2.0, but it shouldn't use any OPL3 tricksyness.

Experimenting with detune (faked with small pitch bends) for fun and profit.

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Chepaki - mario pain( au chocola)t

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RadamLee - i'm afraid of libraries
Level 11 Chipist
post #137723 :: 2021.03.01 12:40pm :: edit 2021.03.01 12:40pm
  birdrun liēkd this
I like it a lot! Very expressive. I think that the detune at the first melody of the tune maybe could have been more subtle. I'm confused by the ending, are the dozen or so seconds of silence really a part of the track?
Level 22 Chipist
post #138094 :: 2021.03.05 2:16am
Yeah, I probably went a bit overboard with the detune -- I just figured out how to fake it on opl2 so I wanted to see how far I could push it. The quiet bit at the end is all 9 channels (all 18 oscillators) running at the lowest possible frequency, with some detune so they phase in and out and make beat frequencies. It's very quiet (because sine waves at low frequencies), I suspect it would be good on a subwoofer.

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