this is soooo amazing for 1k
Flying deep in dark space, you caught a distress signal and landed on an icy planet. In this frozen world, you have found an abandoned base of colonists. There is not a single survivor...
Links to play the song:
[Formatted version] 1012B size
[Minified version] 652B size
Sample rate: 44100Hz
Algorithms: The song is written in javascript and is played in JS players. It uses a square-wave generator, which can be formed from the sawtooth t signal in several ways:
by using bit shift: 128*(((t/128)%2)<<0)
by rounding through int: 128*int((t/128)%2)
or like this 128*((t/128)%2|0)
Notes are fed into the generator as array of frequencies. Low notes will act as bass. By selecting notes in a specific order, we can make an arpeggiator. By adding a sine function, we can make the floating frequency effect. The kick in the rhythm section is implemented from square-wave decays. For example t/=16396,128*int(t*(256>>(32*t))). The hi-hats are implemented with a combination of sine and exponentiation, which produces a noise effect.
The song was inspired by the Alien 3 game title soundtrack for NES, this is one of my favorite games on this console! At first I wanted to do a bytebeat cover of this song, then I read the rules and it turned out to be something on my own. :)
Also let me introduce my bytebeat generator tool: https://dollchan.net/bytebeat/
You can find an extensive library of bytebeats here. It is a good alternative to the outdated Greggman player, in which was discovered a vulnerability and the launch of malicious code is possible (I can provide a link that breaks the player and makes changes on the page, if you require). The calculations in my player take place in the AudioWorklet, which does not have access to the page and window/document objects. The player is constantly being improved and the library is being replenished.