irrlicht project
Level 23 Chipist
ZX Spectrum beeper

heart magic 
147th Σ4.500

brain tech 
9th Σ6.109

172nd Σ4.168

22nd Σ5.454

winter pants 
65th Σ4.879

Frozen Mohawk
  69th/238   Σ25.109   Jan 12th 2017 6:01am
A little punk/hardrock/powermetal thingy for y'all to enjoy. It's not a masterpiece by any means, so have some descriptioncore to go with it:

Track is made with the PhaserX
engine. This is an experimental engine I wrote a couple of months ago. It can basically do everything that Phaser1 does (minus the sampled drums), but has some extra capabilities. Namely, it features a new synced duty modulation effect which I discovered while working on HoustonTracker 2. This effect gives some control over the harmonics (especially undertones), and thus can be used to create those classic rock organ-like timbres. Also, PhaserX has fully independant phasing oscillators like Phaser2 and Phaser3, and, like the latter two, can combine them via OR/AND/XOR (instead of just XOR in Phaser1). Also, there's SID-style duty sweep for the non-Phaser channel (equivalent to using mult 0, detune 1 on Phaser1)

There is no editor available for this engine yet. However, in recent months I've been working on a new customizable music markup language named MDAL
, which features a tracker-like syntax and is geared specifically towards low-level sound drivers. It's only marginally better than composing directly in asm, but well, better than nothing. MDAL isn't really ready yet for end users, but PhaserX happens to be one of the engines I added early on for testing purposes. If you want, you can check out the MDAL source of the song here

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Quiet - Frozen Heart

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irrlicht project - Raqsat alFasida
Level 27 Renderist
post #76642 :: 2017.01.12 6:18am
  irrlicht project liēkd this
heh MDAL looks like sleizsa stuff xP
Level 25 Chipist
th4 D34D
post #76645 :: 2017.01.12 6:26am
  irrlicht project liēkd this
damn that is some hardcore chiptuning jesus. Well I guess writing your own "engine" is one way to do it, if you are insane. I'll stick with a UI, thank you, hahaha. impressive, and cool track! I love d-beats bro!
Level 23 Chipist
irrlicht project
post #76650 :: 2017.01.12 6:53am
  lilifremen, Jredd, MiDoRi, Dimeback, b00daw and garvalf liēkd this
Who, insane? Me? ... no way hnggajajjajajagkkjkjkkjkdhdhdkkdffff!
Level 25 Chipist
post #76675 :: 2017.01.13 1:11am
  irrlicht project liēkd this
Impressive! As usual :).
Level 15 Chipist
post #76796 :: 2017.01.15 12:44pm
  AugustusBlkheart and irrlicht project liēkd this
Excellent as usual mate. This engine has a great sound, love it.

Level 23 Pixelist
post #77710 :: 2017.01.30 11:05am :: edit 2017.01.30 11:05am
  irrlicht project liēkd this
Łau, this shit's intense
BTW, really nice audio engine
Level 24 Chipist
post #77821 :: 2017.01.31 11:53pm
  garvalf and irrlicht project liēkd this
I love how your engine make the best strobes on the border ever.
Level 23 Chipist
post #78727 :: 2017.02.18 2:55am :: edit 2017.02.18 2:57am
  irrlicht project liēkd this
7/7 for the awesome borders, the powerful sound and the metal inspiration!

(and you'll get 8/7 if you manage to port it to Arduino!)

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