Level 30 Chipist
Channel F

heart magic 
204th Σ4.493

brain tech 
178th Σ4.628

bleep plan 
142nd Σ4.999

tweak tact 
112th Σ5.056

our winter pants 
219th Σ4.392

Fairchild (Channel F) Of Mine
  178th/324   Σ23.568   Feb 16th 2023 12:41pm
Keep on rockin' like it's still 1976

Made with SleizsaTrio.

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Drozerix - Discrete Component

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Drozerix - Fluxchip
Level 25 Chipist
th4 D34D
post #167484 :: 2023.02.16 12:56pm
It's hard to ever miss the channel F sound, but when I hear it, I still feel a certain way.
Level 31 Chipist
post #167498 :: 2023.02.16 4:28pm
  cabbage drop liēkd this
hard rockin!! that 1-bit distorted quality hits just right for this
Level 25 Chipist
th4 D34D
post #167500 :: 2023.02.16 4:41pm :: edit 2023.02.17 3:15pm
  cabbage drop liēkd this
Gerald "Jerry" Lawson is considered one of gaming's founding fathers. He was a Black engineer in Silicon Valley in the 70s and developed the first gaming console equipped with interchangeable cartridges. Although this console, The Channel F, didn't get as much hype as hoped, it did pave the way for other gaming companies to bring their consoles to life. We are grateful for the valuable contributions Lawson made to our industry and celebrate his life today!


^Just saw this post from my work (game developer) lol... who knew the gaming industry still thinks about Channel F sometimes.

Also, pretty sure you are the Gold channel F har har. Oh oh some competition appears!
Level 28 XHBist
post #168089 :: 2023.02.28 1:49am
Whoa, this goes places for something done with a 1976 soundchip.
Level 13 Grafxicist
post #168304 :: 2023.03.04 1:39pm
In order to vote... What on earth does all that mean!? Heart majic.. okay. Brain tech , bleep plan????? What do they mean in order to vote?
Level 31 Chipist
post #168308 :: 2023.03.04 4:43pm
  cabbage drop liēkd this
hey fluffy, you can interpret the categories however you like! they are intentionally kinda vague with no set meaning, so you can choose something that feels kinda related to the words (like perhaps 'brain tech' = 'how technical it sounds'? does it tickle your brain? up to you though!), or if that still feels too overwhelming, you could vote the same thing across all 5 categories

you will be surprised how there end up with clear and usually understandable top dogs in all the categories at the end, even despite this vagueness
Level 13 Grafxicist
post #168309 :: 2023.03.04 5:11pm
  damifortune and cabbage drop liēkd this
The winter pants I can't seem to figure out.... My baby tells me to make it the same as the heart one but then I feel like im not being truthful with my votes .. ... I have had my brain wrapped around this for 2 days now.... My brain is just not working well with these phrases.... Lol. I figured they had some kind of meaning... But knowing everyone's interpretation of the praises are different I just don't see how to vote... This hurts my brain and I guess I will just have to take time to figure this out.. 😂
Level 31 Chipist
post #168317 :: 2023.03.04 9:26pm :: edit 2023.03.05 9:40am
  cabbage drop liēkd this
heheh you can just make something up that works for you! it's all good, no need to overthink! i think some people use the "pants" one as just an overall score (like you would vote on an XHB i guess)

if it helps this is kinda what i did this time:
heart magic - how much love/care do i feel went into this
brain tech - technicalness, composition, and/or arrangement
bleep plan - structure and execution
tweak tact - how well it utilized its format
winter pants - overall enjoyment

you don't have to do anything like those yourself but i thought maybe the example would help : )
Level 32 Chipist
post #168630 :: 2023.03.12 6:37am
  Warlord liēkd this
cool . :D
i rly like it
Level 15 Chipist
post #168882 :: 2023.03.17 2:16pm
  Warlord liēkd this
Really great track, one of the best channel F i've heard

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