Level 28 Mixist
48k tracker module

heart magic 
195th Σ4.625

brain tech 
51st Σ5.328

bleep plan 
85th Σ5.236

tweak tact 
24th Σ5.582

our winter pants 
79th Σ5.066

Emerge and see
  79th/324   Σ25.836   Feb 11th 2023 5:38pm
Another song for the romhack. Pre-SNESified this time!

previous entry
SthephanShi - Dark forest

nextious entry
blower5 - gnoss2.maxk_v4
Level 31 Chipist
post #167266 :: 2023.02.12 7:04am
  cabbage drop liēkd this
we love to see breakbeats on the snes. great tune, well made

i didn't think snesmod supported Oxx sample offset? was that changed for the .it 48k release here? you could just use different samples and maybe have room in 64k i guess, but i am curious
Level 28 Mixist
post #167285 :: 2023.02.12 12:39pm
  cabbage drop, hanna and damifortune liēkd this
Thank you! And yes, the module is not yet conversion-ready for SNES.. the toolchain needed for the hack I'm working on is a bit more involved than snesmod and requires a lot of manual editing. The Oxx effects are mostly there as a placeholder until ultimately I chop up the samples manually (and for space considerations so I could submit as 48k as well :p)
Level 24 Chipist
th4 D34D
post #167377 :: 2023.02.14 4:44pm
  cabbage drop and Jimmyoshi liēkd this
My favorite part of any prayer is the amen. Sick composition as a whole, I really like the staccato builds on the chord samples. It's like a breath of fire IV track in 48k, badical!

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