I love your choice of basslines, also that peridoic noise use for the ending was a really nice touch
We're cautious.
We're maybe overly cautious.
We like to wait.
Sometimes we wait too long.
Time goes by - "There will be time - no problem! I'll do it tomorrow."
Then we realize we waited too long.
We struggle to fight against the inevitable - "This can be fixed. What if I do this? What if I do that? What if I change it? Can't I just get a little more time?" But sometimes, no matter what we do, no matter how hard we struggle, we're unable to bring that chance back. It's gone.
There's a bone-chilling permanence to our lives and our chances for success... and we have so little control over our precious opportunities - especially as artists in a subjective field. Maybe we should stop what we're doing and remind ourselves that much of what we have won't be there forever... And maybe there's something we're not doing right now - some piece we're not writing, some place we're not living, some person we're not loving - something that we should look inside and change while we still can...
OCC Famitracker w/ 2a03+VRC6