I would cut from :02-:19, especially for jumping into the shop in game, but even so this is definitely 10+/10. This could be world map, or level music too though tbh haha.
post #158721 ::
2022.07.26 12:38pm Sinc-X liēkd this
That pulsing bass and rhythm sound, along with the minor-scale melody with strong pentatonic notes on top is just perfect. Really dig that part and what's afterwards :)
post #162611 ::
2022.10.31 10:21am Sinc-X liēkd this
It's like every time I click someone's page, listen to some entries, check out a battle I just keep getting surprised-
so many good artists in one place, it's like a dream!
Absolutely great work on this! I've listened to this so many times now,
10/10 would gladly give my wallet again.