A stoner metal inspired chiptune. Mostly overdriven atari2600 sounds with some c64, nes, and supercassette vision sounds as well. Sequenced with FL Studio and generated with the Plogue Chipsounds VST.
post #19810 ::
2012.09.04 12:35pm :: edit 2012.09.04 12:42pm
This is maybe my favourite tune of the compo. Except I always skip the tempo change. Not feeling that part. But the rest of it, whoooo man. That riff is NASTY.
OK, I burned this to one of them Cee Deez and have been bumpin this shiz in my whip. I finally "get" the fast part. It fits totally. It all makes sense now man. This tune is so great. I want a whole album of this kind of stuff. Please and thank you!
What does the NBN stand for?
The Never Been Nowhere?
The Not Baron Noxbury (sic)?
The ambien?
Hi Guys. Thanks for all the great feedback and votes.
Interrobang: Hahaha. Yeah. The very mellow and pretty "In a Daze" doesn't mix well with this.
Moot: TheNBN = The National Broadcast Network. Thanks for digging it. There's a bunch of stuff on my soundcloud if you want more. (P.S. Are we allowed to link our other sites here?)
Most people seem to like the track "Sonic Revenge Squad" as well. It's another groove based song. I'm working on more stuff like DSFM. I'll compile it into a release after I do a release of my earlier lo-fi ataripunk stuff.
I feel a lot more half-finished than you think... I have a lot of half-finished products that I never completed. Mostly games, but sometimes the music ends up incomplete.
Nice feel. Tempo at the end is interesting because the whole song had me thinking "Daft Punk will be in touch with you soon" until then- I can't think of a single Daft Punk track with double-time or changed tempos.
I think this proves the theory that if you blast anything to a certain level of overdrive it ends up sounding uniform.
chunter: True story. This was actually going to be a cover of War Pigs by Black Sabbath (hence the DUH duh at the beginning.) But as it went on it became so different that I just decided to make it an original. Apparently when you try to mimic Sabbath using electro and chip sounds it comes out sounding like Daft Punk. Weird.
I am very shocked that this didn't make the top 3 for Best Overall.
TheNBN, regardless, you should be very proud of your excellent work!
I'm looking forward to more music from you!