Oh yeah, this rocks :) Chiptunes are heart, chiptunes are soul ;)
anime opening back chip chipstyle dance descriptioncore disco driving it leady limit loops music SIDstyle story throwback vgm
Ayayayay chiptunage in 2019 whaddayaknow.
This one comes from the depths of my hdd, made at a time
when I actually gave a damn about filesize :o
But tbh I was never really good at limiting. More is moar afterall.
Title is literally the first thing the song name generator
spat out and it was spot on! I mean, this sounds like there
went a lot of thinking into the title and it has some kind of backstory, doesnt it? Well it doesn't,...but I still love it.
Also...loop it, it's a looping track. So,...loop. And no interpolation!
That's all for now.
Love you all <3