Level 30 Chipist
Doom Map

hot chocolate 
63rd Σ5.504

166th Σ5.264

148th Σ4.945

87th Σ5.409

advent pants 
108th Σ5.290

Day16 Cacao Evening Nightmare
  116th/398   Σ26.412   Dec 16th 2020 11:32pm
Day16 Help, Demons from Zhell have invaded my house and killed me and my whole family. only Doom Guy (the worlds most well thought out name) can save..... whatever, fuck humanity, Go Demons! I should have added even more monsters you little wussy. Do you have the guts to stand my 90s tude? There are three levels of difficulty monster wise. There are keys and a secret room to find. I even made a small looping midi track for the bgm, I hope it is not to hard of a level, unless you need a night light to play in the dark hallways of my e1mimap.

****Soft lock Notice******
If you find the secret room in my map there is a bug in my design. I must have forgot to ad the door on one side and when the door closes you in you get locked yin the room. I have a strategy where you might be able to get the "secret item" in there ( If your quick enough). On harder difficulties there are demons inside there so I would suggest you hit them and run out before the door closes, go back to the main map, and than wait for the door to close than open it and get the "secret item"

Chocolate of the day: Doom Wad on ya chin foo, booyah!


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bluenocturne - Abandoned Music Box
Level 22 Chipist
post #132765 :: 2020.12.17 2:50am
  TristEndo and mirageofher liēkd this
I've played through DOOM and DOOM II twice. Why am I still flinching when I run into a room full of monsters? Super high octane map!

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