Level 24 Mixist
NES/Famicom 2A03 w/ Expansions

cool breeze 
174th Σ4.085

face melt 
109th Σ4.522

hawt night 
67th Σ4.831

sweaty morning 
66th Σ4.767

sun in pants 
127th Σ4.185

Level 24 Mixist
post #113147 :: 2019.08.01 11:37am :: edit 2019.08.01 12:33pm
Multiple resubmissions because I kept submitting without thinking and wanted to change some stuff.
Level 24 Chipist
th4 D34D
post #114124 :: 2019.09.10 1:06pm
  Collidy and Zillah liēkd this
lol next time just wait to submit, even when you are ready just give it a bit more time. I know it's easy to get anxiously excited and want to put up your latest masterpiece, but better just to sit on it for an extra day or two before you do. (;

Cool track, sounds like some hard rock, some cool subtle bluesy sounding elements.

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