Level 23 Chipist

187th Σ4.860

211th Σ4.758

179th Σ5.066

frozen lake 
276th Σ4.505

hot chocolate in pants 
304th Σ4.479

Coast to Coast
  249th/441   Σ23.668   Dec 14th 2023 6:57pm
Oh boy, what a sample haul!

This track has got two parts: the first is more classic hip-hop and new jack influences, maybe something you'd hear in Philly from DJ Jazzy Jeff. I was perfectly happy to build that idea, but *then*, as if decreed by a power beyond my understanding, a Warren G song popped up on my shuffle, so I was inspired to add a Long Beach, G-Funk bit with those lovely keys and, of course, that lovely sample of Solid Snake teaching us the important things in life.

The whole thing is a bit disjointed unfortunately due to time constraints, but the approximate idea is all there. My strengths re: Renoise is using the native plugins more than the effect commands. Something definitely for me to improve upon in the future.

MP3 Update on 12/15: the render was the old one that had a random dropout before transitioning into the second section from some careless automation on my part; the core Renoise file hasn't changed.

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defilus - reindeer ram

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tenshi - the battle has begun...
Level 28 Chipist
post #180955 :: 2023.12.14 8:19pm
  Opilion, cabbage drop and haberchuck liēkd this
The development was so unexpected, but rad! and great use of the metal gear sample, I am happy to hear that one get put to good use!
Level 31 Chipist
post #180969 :: 2023.12.15 6:02am
  cabbage drop and haberchuck liēkd this
lol they are very distinct sections indeed but i enjoyed them both! i like the divine coincidence of shifting gears :p the vibe of the latter section is immaculate!

and, i think for the most part it feels like you're "supposed" to use more plugins and instrument automation than in-line effect commands in renoise. at least, the effect command suite isn't especially robust, and many things can indeed be accomplished on the instrument level if you want them that way. (that was what i spent time learning yesterday!) it's an interesting position for a tracker
Level 22 Chipist
post #182854 :: 2024.01.14 9:07pm
These transitions were so cool! I love the slower parts!

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