Level 23 Mixist
NES/Famicom 2A03

heart magic 
207th Σ4.600

brain tech 
259th Σ4.156

263rd Σ4.111

256th Σ4.089

winter pants 
262nd Σ4.000

Clown March
  255th/299   Σ20.956   Jan 10th 2018 10:45pm
A song I wrote in a couple of hours yesterday.

I email my music teacher a lot of the music I wrote and I'm currently doing a music camp that my music teacher runs and he played it in front of the whole orchestra! Everybody only had nice things to say about it.

In the orchestra I'm playing first alto (hella yeah) and I scored a solo in a song called Dozolfan. It's a song my music teacher picked up while he was teaching in Afghanistan. It's a great piece and I hope this is too :)

btw my music teacher is like basically the best clarinet player in Australia and New Zealand, and he spends his time teaching people like me to be great musicians. It's a privilege to have met Mark Walton.

Also if you play the clarinet, saxophone, flute or the variations of those 3 instruments and live in Australia and New Zealand, you've probably heard of 66 great tunes. That was written by him.

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spaghettivessels - rondo

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djmaximum - pay me some SID bucks
Level 19 Chipist
post #94696 :: 2018.01.22 12:52pm
  Diagamblic and Minerscale liēkd this
Hey man, that's so great you're learning under Mark Walton! I used to play French horn in the MYO (about 18 years ago) and definitely saw his book floating around the woodwind players section.
Also, nice little ditty :)
Level 24 Chipist
th4 D34D
post #95200 :: 2018.02.04 6:37am
Am I at the carnival? yayyy
Level 28 Chipist
post #95929 :: 2018.02.13 2:53pm
bass line reminds me of the party time music in pinball fantasies, which also had clowns in it :)
Level 27 Renderist
post #96698 :: 2018.02.22 7:30pm
reminds me of three stooges for NES

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