this site is for posting your own, new, original works! please read the rules at the top of the battle page, and visit the lyceum https://battleofthebits.com/lyceum/ to read more about how the site works.
the "chip battle art" format is where people make album artwork for this battle, but it has to be original... so this is not a legal submission, nor is the cover you posted earlier.
the image you have submitted is by this person named "bonevolt", posted in 2020 https://twitter.com/bone_volt/status/1326940798311665666
the "chip battle art" format is where people make album artwork for this battle, but it has to be original... so this is not a legal submission, nor is the cover you posted earlier.
the image you have submitted is by this person named "bonevolt", posted in 2020 https://twitter.com/bone_volt/status/1326940798311665666