Level 7 Chipist
chip battle art

29th Σ3.788

24th Σ4.649

32nd Σ3.786

33rd Σ2.997

art in pants 
31st Σ3.598

Chicken Major
  31st/35   Σ18.819   Jul 11th 2020 6:46pm
Format: ascii

The rules of this battle are very simple. You are to develop a Chicken and submit its fully sequenced genome in text form.
Because text alone is not allowed in an ascii battle, you are also required to provide a visual representation of the chicken you have developed, in ascii. Detailed anatomical drawings are preferred to simple, basic poorly drawn sketches, which just simply are not good. [citation needed]

To those who would like to vote on the entries, cloning chickens has not been performed as of 2020[1], so there will not be any live chickens to vote on, but one should be able to read through the genome and understand what is going on fairly easily. Additionally, the visual drawing of the chicken's anatomy will be helpful in judging the quality of the entries.

Because the chicken was the first livestock animal to have a sequenced genome[2], there are plenty of informations online for you to work on your Chicken. It is a good idea to start with an already functional chicken, and simply tweak genes as you please, until you have created an excellent result. It is also a good idea to understand what these genes do, but it's not always neccessary. You can consider it like data bending but for real life organisms.

In order to be considered a proper Chicken, the entry will contain approximately 1.2 billion base pairs [3] plus additionally the artwork/diagrams at the bottom. You might think, well now that's going to be like a gigabyte, this won't possibly fit on battle of the bits." but actually this is extremely possible to compress it down to a small size, because the genome only uses four letters.

I hope that this battle will open up the way for more wetware chiptunes on battle of the bits. Thank you so much for your continued support. Love, pita

Works cited:
1. https://www.fda.gov/animal-veterinary/animal-cloning/primer-cloning-and-its-use-livestock-operations
2. https://genome.cshlp.org/content/15/12/1692.full.html
3. https://msu.edu/~dodgson/about/chicken_genome.pdf


previous entry
metalo - Looooong tracks

nextious entry
Snabisch - A new era begins
Level 31 Chipist
post #123483 :: 2020.07.12 2:59am
  Xaser, Collidy, Viraxor, mirageofher, YQN, MiDoRi, big lumby, Vav, tennisers and Jakerson liēkd this
"You can consider it like data bending but for real life organisms."

*hospital boy joins the battle*
Level 19 Chipist
post #123493 :: 2020.07.12 9:50am
  Xu liēkd this
You got me at "wetware chiptunes". Chickens are chiptune now!
Level 23 Pixelist
post #123575 :: 2020.07.13 6:00pm
  kleeder liēkd this
My face while reading this description: priceless
Level 24 Chipist
post #123593 :: 2020.07.14 12:37pm
  mk7 liēkd this
There's no way I'm participating or even voting (unless irrlicht codes a chicken simulator that can load and render entries)
Level 19 Taggist
Pale Dim
post #123652 :: 2020.07.16 6:09am
  ItsDuv, mirageofher, Baron Knoxburry and kleeder liēkd this
Great, I'll spend days handcrafting a clucker, only to have someone sweep the compo with some feathery opus they tracked in three hours in irrlicht's "Poultrio."

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