The taxman brings a prediction!
"Yikes, the Omnibus Bank of BotB is in the red! Everyone will be paying 20% next May!"
A sugarry pop ditty built into around 17k of space [with basic compressing - it could likely be compressed down even smaller if i spent more time on it]. I'm very happy with how this came out, I was unsure of what to make for this compo until this idea just sort of came to me and the song came quickly after. Basically all of the samples come from XHBs I've been in before, all crushed/shortened down into mostly micro-samples for space reasons, which gives the track a very 2A03 DPCM feel to it (which is certainly assisted by one of the samples being based on the 2a03 square chip).
It can loop, but is also designed so that the track works well and has a beginning and end without looping enabled.
Made/rendered in: OpenMPT
Notes: use "no interpolation" option! it will sound like complete trash otherwise!!
MPT hacks: none are known, it didn't pop up as there being any for me.