on linux you can compile with
gcc -o bbal bbal.c -lm and listen with
./bbal | aplay -f U8 -r 44100.
if you're not on linux, or don't have aplay installed or something, just redirect the output of the above C source to a file and kill it after some amount of time, then import into Audacity using File > Import > Raw Data, as Unsigned 8 bit PCM, 1 channel, and sample rate 44100.
not sure how Windows programming works but if redirecting output to a file isn't possible, then you can modify the above source to fopen() a file and use fputc(EXPRESSION, file) instead.
EDIT: if "kill it after some amount of time" isn't your idea of a good time, you can replace the for loop with for(t=0;
t<10*60*44100; t++), which should generate about as much output as was used for the render.
alternatively, you can replace every instance of fmod(X, Y) with (X)%(Y) to get a version that works in the HTML5 editor. i used the HTML5 editor to write it and ported it to C to get a render.