None yet! =D/
Level 19 Mixist
Boom Map

81st Σ4.468

95th Σ4.158

75th Σ4.520

51st Σ4.888

Rarity in Pants 
72nd Σ4.697

  79th/128   Σ22.731   Nov 25th 2023 6:16pm
I've been wanting to do a Doom (well, Boom-compatible - we're not primitive vanilla cave people, here!) map for ages.

Tested in prboom+, complevel 9. Textures are mostly from the OTEX pack, though I did make the sky texture from scratch. Music is meant for OPL2 emulation. Map is about running around and going pew pew pew while monsters go ARGH, GRARRGH, GAHH.

This is a pretty straight-forward arcade/slaughter-style map. I tried to incorporate different flavors into each battle, from the vanilla Doom 1 "here's a modest handful of enemies in a modest space with some token verticality" to more modern dance-and-spam stuff. And of course, W+M1, because every slaughter map deserves some W+M1'ing!

Architecturally, it's nothing too special, though I used a lot of OTEX textures and went a little bit DoomCute™ in some places. I made the sky texture from scratch, and there are some very-obviously-not-stock-or-OTEX textures to be found if one goes snooping.

I threw in a custom song, which is a remix of something I submitted in a recent OHB. It's in the grand tradition of frantic slaughter maps with non-frantic music, partially because I like the contrast, and partially because everything "frantic" I created sounded awful. It's meant to be played with OPL2 emulation. Or muted, I'm sure that's a popular option too! I'm still wrapping my head around the Doom OPL2 soundset (which might make an interesting battle format).

Anyway, it's certainly not the next UAC_Ultra or Rush, but I hope it's an enjoyable slog nonetheless. I did my best to keep the difficulty to about a 5/10 in Slaughter terms. It's definitely UV-Maxable (100% kills and secrets) without cheats. Hopefully, my mediocre Doom-playing ability balances the fact that I designed the map and know where all the goodies are and what routes work. If it's too hard, find the secrets. If it's still too hard, cheat. If it's too easy, ignore the secrets or try a non-100% speedrun - my record is 5 minutes.

Gratuitous meta-commentary:
I really, REALLY hope we get more Boom battles in the future! It's fun, and Doomworld doesn't really do many mapping contests, and the contests that DO spring up tend to be focused on ultra-glitzy scripting-heavy GZD/MBF mapping. Which makes for some great maps, don't get me wrong, but it's on a different level from what I currently have the time or patience for creating.

I can understand why the format isn't very popular here - it doesn't lend itself to OHB whatsoever. Modern editors alleviate some of the headache, but even so, there's enough moving parts and fiddling around required that there's very little room for a captivating OHB that goes beyond "populate this pre-existing geometry". Even a 4HB is a tall order to do anything really neat in, and would almost certainly be a boonloss, because are there really 7 people who want to spend four hours of their lives focused on Ultimate Doom Builder, then another thirty-minutes-to-an-hour playing six other people's maps to vote?

And of course, only admins are currently able to create 4HB for Boom, because as far as I can tell, nobody even has a bronze Boom format badge, because - as the thesis says - Boom does not lend itself to OHB, so nobody hosts them, so nobody enters, so nobody wins, so nobody gains badge progress, so nobody has a bronze Boom format badge, because . . .

I think the Boom equivalent of a OHB would be a OW(eek)B, but putting in the sitedev time to optimize for one particular format that doesn't have much of a following on the site is probably not a priority. I don't even think it's possible to fudge OWB's with "disabled-late-penalties on a XHB", since from what I gather the 24-hour "Final Results in . . . " timer is mandatory and non-admins can't host a new XHB while an old XHB is still open.

But oh well. Until the invention of the One Week Battle format, I will simply hope for more Boom majors in the future, and dream of a world with a regular monthly Boom major! Thanks again for the chance to do some mapping!


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sqnoozle - bitch im teletex
Level 19 Mixist
post #179992 :: 2023.12.02 5:48pm
At the risk of sounding presumptuous, I wrote up a quick strategy guide for this map. Maybe this is completely unnecessary, and if that's the case please accept my apologies! However, this map feels a bit trickier to me than the other entries in the battle, and just in case people are finding it unwinnable, having a guide may help speed up the learning curve.

The strategy guide does not mention any secrets. I don't think any of them are too terribly obscure, but then again, I'm the map designer, of course I don't find them obscure. In case you're having trouble and don't feel like firing up UDB to find the secret tags, I've done a separate guide for the secrets.

Both of these links will expire two weeks from now.

https://pastebin.com/9Y6SWfea - Strategy Guide
https://pastebin.com/FGukKgsN - Secrets Guide
Level 30 Chipist
post #180322 :: 2023.12.07 12:08am
  Lint_Huffer liēkd this
WOW that's a lotta monsters, but surprisingly still felt manageable to grind through! The guide was helpful actually!

And I feel ya on the map format battle thing. It's already a niche-r part of this niche site, and it's definitely not easy to make something good in such short time, or even just learning to make anything at all. There have been Doom and Boom WAD OHBs before, but definitely they are on the rarer side (hence why we're here with the boom format in VRF, again).

I think 4HB is maybe enough time to feasibly crank a decent quality map out if you know what you're doing. Maybe one day there might a one day battle option which might fit formats like this?
Level 12 Mixist
post #180953 :: 2023.12.14 7:16pm
Still laughing at the first secret. Not too much on the slaughter! A lot of mappers definitely overdo it but this still managed to feel like just a busier-than-usual Doom map without too much going on. Good room design, really enjoyed the broader arena type fighting here as well as the hallway stuff.

it's a shame there's no format that really encourages this kind of stuff on BOTB, I would love to see map battles here!
Level 28 XHBist
post #181044 :: 2023.12.16 5:33pm
Ooh, I didn't read the guides. Had no clue you made them.

But yeah, the strategy that worked for me was forcefully passing through the demons until I found a clue to get me out of every part (a switch, a key, a door that requires a key, etc.). Killing all of them isn't always preferable. There are tons of them!

The fun thing about these kind of maps is getting enough ammo from tons of dead demons instead of just out there on the floor. So you find yourself forcefully switching weapons as a result.

Had to try each part with tons of demons several times, but eventually beat them.

Fun map with a more brutal approach.

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