

BotB Mosts 2024
  Dec 5th 2024 11:20pm
(You can comment your response in the comments, but on every non BotBr most, the entry/thread/whatever needs to be from this year)

I was very inspired by and even took some categories from the SMWC mosts, hopefully most of the categories should be pretty self explanatory.

previous entry
Snowdune - To the Goal

nextious entry
Webriprob - Botb's format of the year! - Voting form

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Level 12 Chipist
post #203084 :: 2024.12.05 11:25pm
smwcentral members pls dont snitch
Level 31 Chipist
post #203264 :: 2024.12.07 12:53pm
  SweatyNoodle and mirageofher liēkd this

disclaimer: this is my own opinion

1. TrippleP
2. damifortune
3. ben (created in 2020, but started submitting in 2024, so this counts)
4. -
5. TrippleP
6. damifortune
7. Tex
8. sean
9. The Diad
10. damifortune
11. xterm
12. damifortune
13. vombot
14. Pool Power (feat. Bitbeam) by Tomas_AP + jummbus
15. Pool Power (feat. Bitbeam) by Tomas_AP + jummbus
16. Bright and Peppy by Frag
17. A Stroll through Spring by OminPigeonMaster
18. The Portal by The Diad
19. Patch Three by dogsplusplus + thetainfelix
20. Bright and Peppy by Frag
22. RAVE YOU NEED IT hosted by kleeder
23. how did you arrive at BotB?
24. Tinymod Optimization Strategies
25. Favs 2024 by kleeder (obviously)
26. damifortune
27. TrippleP
28. Lasertooth
29. kilowatt64
30. Public Toilet
31. mirageofher
32. puke7
33. kleeder
34. kleeder
35. puke7
36. kleeder
37. puke7
38. ????
39. ?
40. [this account name was hidden]
41. China-Bot #45678
42. Strobe
43. Baron Knoxburry
44. dpc
45. Public Toilet
46. kleeder
47. FRESH n00b
48. SweatyNoodle
49. Vav
50. SnugglyBun
51. OminPigeonMaster
52. OminPigeonMaster
53. puke7
54. k
55. BotB
56. 56
Level 28 Mixist
post #203267 :: 2024.12.07 1:00pm
  SweatyNoodle and kleeder liēkd this
opm slipping on a banana peel is my new favourite idea
Level 25 Grafxicist
big lumby
post #203303 :: 2024.12.07 7:31pm :: edit 2024.12.07 8:02pm
  SweatyNoodle liēkd this
k (sends early fr)

1. hanna
2. mioh
3. john favourite
4. maybe sean or webri? idk
5. opm
6. argarak
7. tex
8. webriprob
9. loni
10. maximemoring
11. xterm
12. r3m
13. rory
14. Standoff (Animated) by kilowatt64
15. seaborn by robotmeadows
16. abs(sin(t)) by A64
17. Boonloss Dungeon Crawl by Arcane Toaster
18. Standoff (Animated) by kilowatt64
20. kirai, kirai, loving by John Favourite
21. sumchip 14
22. any of the ones hosted by tex could slot in nicely here
23. this one
24. this one
25. this one
26. damifortune
27. webriprob
28. argarak
29. tie between sean and snugglybun
30. nitrofurano
31. ME >:)
32. tie between puke7 and strobe
33. damifortune
34. kleeder
35. puke7
36. one of the younger ones probably
38. osplm
39. a bot
40. ************
41. kleeder
42. also me
43. b-knox
44. private toilet
45. public gardens
46. kleeder
47. metallica
48. YOU
49. ominpigeonmaster
50. retrokid104
51. ominpigeonmaster
52. ominpigeonmaster
53. ominpigeonmaster
54. ominpigeomnaster
55. ominpigeonmaster
56. cincuenta y seis
Level 2 n00b
John Favourite
post #203940 :: 2024.12.12 10:37pm
  SweatyNoodle liēkd this
This is too opinionated...

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