Battle of the Bitsy
  Sep 14th 2024 10:46am
Bitsy is a browser based engine described by its creator as a "little editor for little games or worlds." As a result of its ease-of-use, the simplicity of its graphical and musical capabilities, and its small file sizes, it is a decently popular choice for short, narrative-driven games on, although it has been used for other types of games as well.

The rules for the battle are straight-forward: simply make a game of any kind using Bitsy.

Format: html5

Voting Categories:



textous flavorous

indie cred

little world in pants


previous entry
Collidy - Musical Chairs

nextious entry
SRB2er - Ring Beats

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Level 20 Chipist
post #197401 :: 2024.09.14 2:31pm
  CouldntBeMe liēkd this
that battle art is so ingenious i love it

ive heard of bitsy b4

(also you've single handedly sent me on a rabbit hole of bitsy games on (story based goodness)
and i'd rather not leave that hole tbh)
Level 20 Chipist
post #197410 :: 2024.09.14 3:06pm
  CouldntBeMe liēkd this
um rq

there exists a couple mods of bitsy that add some tweaks to it
atm i've found 3:

bitsy hd

bitsy 3d (either generic 3d or w/ color)

this entire page of hacks

would any of these be legal
Level 15 Mixist
post #197414 :: 2024.09.14 3:23pm :: edit 2024.09.14 4:01pm
  SRB2er liēkd this
good question, i've been thinking about that myself. in particular, Borksy
seems to be a popular tool for Bitsy mods, and its users have gotten some great mileage out of that tool (in fact, i think the majority of the Bitsy games i've enjoyed have used it in some capacity).

that being said, i'm leaning towards no, since i think the challenge of trying to make something worthwhile with a super limited set of tools is what would make a Bitsy major battle interesting, and allowing mods seems to go against that.

(i'm happy to hear other takes though, if anyone has any)

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