I have no idea what this is meant to do but it looks really cool anyways!
Nice use of the default botb colours!
Nice use of the default botb colours!
The Battle of the Bit Results Formatter is a tool created to help hostists customize the formatting of their battle results. Add your own markdown flair, go wild with ascii or simply use the convenience of a gui to augment your hosting experience! Just select a votefile, tweak some settings, and then copy-and-paste formatted results in the chat.
- Automatic medal emoji,
- Custom order (descending, ascending, random and "even then odd"),
- Badge progress marking,
- Template support, a general template for every rank and an optional template for each top rank class (tincan, bronze, silver and gold),
- Live clipboard preview,
- Option to hide BotBr or entry in the interface (makes the host unaware of the results),
- Track previously copied ranks,
- Save and load presets to share with other hostists, or backup templates for different occasions,
- Call back previous settings on load,
- Shortcut buttons to copy in groups.
An example preset is included.
To test the tool, grab a finalpack from a past battle, and extract its "votelog.txt".
During results tallying you may need to right click the votelog link and select "Save link as..." in order to get the votelog file.
2023-11-14 resubmit: fixed a bug preventing preset load on Firefox