(II) coming up shorthanded in the quest for his friend, seasoned adventurer Justin Tonation enlists the help of a friendly fish to travel to the Azureous Isle of Avant, the blue Super Island that few have ever dared to set foot upon. could this have been the path taken by Michael Tone before him?
samples from MSGS MIDI - acoustic bass, jazz guitar, warm pad (without the swell attack!) and SFX drumkit. bloop !
info for the nerds - the scala file used is "dkring4.scl" which is the following:
0: 1/1 0.000000 unison, perfect prime
1: 10/9 182.403712 minor whole tone
2: 9/8 203.910002 major whole tone
3: 8/7 231.174094 septimal whole tone
4: 5/4 386.313714 major third
5: 9/7 435.084095 septimal major third, BP third
6: 45/32 590.223716 diatonic tritone
7: 10/7 617.487807 Euler's tritone
8: 81/56 638.994097
9: 45/28 821.397809 septimale wide minor sixth
10: 25/14 1003.801521 middle minor seventh
11: 9/5 1017.596288 just minor seventh, BP seventh
12: 2/1 1200.000000 octave